Saturday, 7 December 2013

Animal Power

Animals as Totems, Guides, Healers and Teachers.

The aim of this class is to foster a deeper appreciation of the animals that you may feel a bond with, or that you may sense, spiritually, with yourself or others.
Spirit works with animals in providing us with messages, and through such symbolism our own relationship with spirit is enhanced as we learn to interpret the messages.
Those who have the ability to see Spirit can tell you what animal totem you have with you.  Point being you will have animal totems as well as Spirit Guides. What the animal is, will give insight to where the person is or has been -past, present and future. They do come and go, like spiritual helpers, (Angels or Guides); however, we are born with a pre-determined set of totem s that effectively works with us.
They represent our strengths and our weaknesses. They represent our power, connection to Spirit and our soul essence. They also symbolize our shadow side, or those facets of ourselves we are unwilling or not yet ready to face. Each totem represents aspects of us in different ways, all significant and sacred to us as individuals. These aspects embody our fundamental character and personality, our principles and ethics, our ability to express our beliefs, our wants, needs and desires; our sense of home and security, creativity, sexuality and potential; our vocation, calling, hobbies and health, relationships, legal issues, death, spirituality, religion, education, wisdom and travel; our purpose and personal power.

What are the animals telling us?
Well, before we can go into that too deeply, we need to break this massive 'family" into small categories to better understand the energies that we're working with. So ... instead of looking at them as just 'animals’ let's look at them as ' mammals’,  'birds’,' aquatics’,’ insects' and 'reptiles'.

Mammals: (ruled by the earth element) All mammals represent our emotional self, so any mammal that we witness either in dreams, in the flesh or symbolically (T shirts, billboards, pictures) are all offering messages associated with our emotional self or the emotions generically.

Birds: (ruled by the air element) All birds are associated with the mind and mental self and “the head”. Birds teach us to see what needs to be done, when it needs to be done by and how, without allowing ourselves to invest in the ‘what ifs’, or to be burdened by the emotions that may be triggered in the process. Birds can also be seen as symbols of the soul. They reflect our connection to the heavenly realms and Spirit. Birds remind us to strive for greater things, higher levels of consciousness and awareness, by offering the ability to raise ourselves above perceived obstacles.

Aquatics: (ruled by the element of water) associated with intuition; the ability to tap into our inner knowing and to find answers to questions buried deep within. They speak of meditation, contemplation and introspection and they allow us to tune into our inner voice and to hear what our higher self has to say. Aquatics aren't necessarily fish, though; some are mammals and some are birds' while others are reptilians. It is important, when dealing with an aquatic that isn't a fish, to consider the other factors that make up its being.  E.g, an otter is an aquatic; mammal- so, it could be asking us to intuitively listen to how we feel or how our actions are affecting someone emotionally. Pelicans are aquatic birds, so they could be asking us to intuitively override what our mind may be asking us to do and to listen our gut or ‘animal instinct’, when it comes to some decision that needs to be made.

Reptiles: (ruled by the element of fire) all require the heat and warmth of the sun for motivational purposes. They look to the heat for energy and they symbolically channel it into passion, desire, drive, adventure, enthusiasm, excitement, ambition and will. They teach us to explore our ability to be still, instead of acting irrationally and making rushed decisions. Reptile energy allows us to sit, dream and vision the future' once we know what we want our future to look' feel' taste and sound and smell like, the reptile energy adds the most appropriate fuel to the fire in the belly and encourages us to move forward in a practical, purposeful, passionate way.

lnsects:  (ruled by the element of spirit) including spiders, ticks, scorpions.... They journey us into our inner worlds, the spiritual realms hidden deep in our psyche. From the art of stillness to the wonder of personal and spiritual transformation, insects speak of all aspects of the inner self and connection we all share with spirit. Once we've considered that these categories might mean to us on a symbolic level, we need to take an even closer, more detailed look at how they come into our life and why; whether they're endangered, dead, alive or representational in form or if they're animals we love or fear.
The wisdom of the animals can be gleaned on any day in a multitude of ways sometimes they will appear physically, while at other times they may appear in abstract ways' The secret lies in knowing where to look and how to integrate their messages into your life.

Consider this…

1.     When out and about you experience an animal in an unusual setting' unusual circumstance… consider that the animal in question has been "sent to you" by your Earth Mother in response to a question or issue plaguing your mind at the time.

2.     What have you thoughts been about… when you spot an animal…or take notice of a particular animal that you would have taken for granted otherwise.

3.     When you find yourself pondering a particular problem and you find yourself stuck as to what to do, simply widen your vision to the animals that may be trying to make themselves known to you in obscure ways. Once you see a pattern, same animal reappearing, considers its meaning.

4.     An allergy to a particular animal may actually be the physical manifestation of a severe subconscious block set up to save us from ever having to deal with the real reason that lay hidden with the animal’s symbolism. An allergy to cats, for example, may represent the inability to acknowledge sexual abuse or the grief associated with never seeing justice done or the perpetrator ever taking responsibility for his or her actions.

Spirit Guides

You do not walk alone in this life.
With you, walks your greatest and most loyal friends.
Learning how to contact and work with these entities will help you along your journey.
Spirit Guides are simply human souls that have evolved to higher levels and assist those living earthly lives. They strive to help us learn and grow as souls. Spirit Guides, typically have lived many Earthly lives to grow to a higher evolvement as souls.

If you are serious in coming to a spiritual growth class, this would indicate that your perception of your life experiences has passed the unconscious connection with self; from personal ego; become aware of self and your connection with others.  You have shifted into a more conscious way of life through body and mind, able to perceive energy and to truly own your spirit and its connection with all that is.  
To make sensing and communicating with your Spirit Guides easier, you do require this level of growth.   If you haven’t achieved this as yet, this does not mean you are abandoned… most definitely not.   It rather allows you to open fully for you to receive through a higher level of consciousness.  

Have I Seen or Felt my Guides?   I would be very surprised if anyone has not had communication with his or her guide. Guides start communicating with us from a very young age as they are watching over us and protecting us. As young children we were all open to seeing, feeling, hearing or sensing our guides. When we get older we unfortunately learn to ignore our 6th sense and use our logical mind to rationalize different unexplained experiences we have. Even though we “tune out,” our guides never stop supporting us, guiding us, and helping us stay on our life’s path.

How Do I know Who is Communicating With Me?       In the astral plane there are many beings from higher to lower energies. It is unfortunate, but not all beings will have your best and highest interest as a priority. So it is vital to always protect yourself with a prayer or the light from the divine before communicating with the spirit realm. You will know if it is your guide because you guide always communicates from love. They will not tell you what to do, but will give you loving guidance. They come from a loving place and all communication will feel love based.
It is best to not communicate with any other spirits other than your guides. In order to make sure this occurs your prayer before communication could include something like…”I would like to communicate with my spirit guides only. I Ask that only my spirits guides from the highest vibration of the white light of the Divine contact me…”

How Do Guides Communicate?    Spirit Guides send us dozens of messages throughout the day but we have a tendency to ignore them or think of them as our own imagination or coincidence.  There are a few ways guides will communicate with you and of course it will be very individual to everyone. Our guides will use the means to get the message to us the clearest. We can choose to pay attention or to dismiss the communication  

Some examples………..

·       * Telepathy – this information received will be a thought, or picture seen in the minds eye.
·       * During dreams and through meditation – guides can show themselves and communicate with you in this altered state of consciousness.

·       * Hearing their voice with your inner ear (which is hearing a voice that sounds like it is coming within). Or with your outer ear (which is like someone is really talking to you but there is no one around you talking).

·       * You may get confirmation from your guides by experiencing an inner knowing about something. Like whatever you are doing/thinking/feeling is being confirmed. It may come across has an shiver of energy.

·       * You might get what people term downloads. This is where a block of information comes through in your mind often when you are least expecting it, and it verifies, confirms, gives an idea for a project like cooking, writing, painting, e.t.c... or a whole understanding about a problem that you have been mulling over.

·      *  The first song you hear when you turn on the radio. Or a song that keeps repeating in your head over and over. You know that song that you "can't get out of your head." You turn on the television and someone is speaking about the same concern that you are having. 

·       *You may see or hear something repeatedly. An example is constantly seeing the number "11". You may see "11" on a clock, a label, a license plate. Seeing "11" many times means that something spiritual is happening or about to happen in your life. 

            * You open to a page in a book and your eyes fall upon a paragraph that has meaning to your current situation. 

·       * Maybe you are fretting about a situation with another person, and you decide you are going to call them and "have it out". But, every time you dial their number they are not home or the line is busy. This could be Spirit telling you that now is not the right time to talk about the situation. Or, perhaps you are not in the right frame of mind to talk to that person. Possibly you don't know whether or not to talk to someone about an issue and the phone rings and it's the person you were thinking about. 

·       *  Signs often come from the animal world or nature.  Animal Medicine…. 
·       * You are about to buy something that you really desire, but don't necessarily need. When you go to pay, your credit card mysteriously won't .  Spirit could be telling you that the item is not beneficial for you, or it could be that the purchase could put a stress on your finances.  

·      * You're in a hurry to get somewhere, you're racing along in your car, and every light you come to is red. You would probably start cursing and driving even faster. But, perhaps Spirit is telling you to slow down. Maybe you are being told to stop and think about your actions. Maybe Spirit is trying to prevent you from having an accident.

      * Don't have expectations and don't read into things. Just ask for guidance and allow it to happen. Not everything you see or hear is a sign. But, if you are open and receptive, the signs will be clear. Through practicing the act of asking for guidance and following it, you will soon understand when you are receiving an answer from Spirit and when you are not. The more often you ask for guidance and follow the guidance given, the stronger the connection will be, and the guidance and symbols will become much clearer.
* Contacting your Protector Guide helps become more attuned to spirits and can increase your psychic ability. Your Guide will be very grateful to be acknowledged by You and will work even more closely through your journey in this life. Always show your gratitude and appreciation for their assistance and be willing to take on board the intuition and guidance. 

The Name of Your Guide

Learning the name of your Spirit Guide is not nearly as important as learning to sense their energy. Spirit Guides don't see names as important in contacting them. 
From my own experience. it's not that important anyway

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Soul Contracts

Why are we here? What choices did I make before I arrived here on earth? What did I want to experience in this lifetime to grow as a soul? All these questions can be answered when looking into your own soul contracts.

What is a Soul Contract?
A soul contract is a predetermined contract with your higher self about what you are going to experience when you descend on the earth plane. You and your team of guides get together and talk about what experiences will best serve your souls growth. What is decided becomes your blueprint.

Do I Choose the Souls Who Will Assist My Growth?
You also decide what souls are going to assist you in your journey to experience growth. These are soul-to-soul contracts. Animals also have souls so they also can have contracts with you.  You have primary contracts with certain souls and you also have secondary contracts with other souls, who help support the primary contracts. Lastly, you also have individual contracts with yourself.

Am I going it Alone?
The contrast into this reality to what our souls know is huge. But we are not left alone. We are teamed up with guides and angels to guide us on our way, pointing us in the direction of our souls lessons.

The Gift of Free Will.
One of the greatest privileges we have here is that we also are given the gift of free will. We have the choice when we incarnate here to move in whatever direction that we choose. We are the captains of our own ship. It is often difficult when our lessons are strong and hard, and often we find it difficult to rise above the darkness to see the light? It all comes down to choice. We have the strength and ability to choose the light. We made the plan to experience what would show us how to be the light.

How you choose to live is totally up to you. Your free will is a gift. The most important thing to remember is that when your experiences are challenging, go within your heart and mind , find the truth in what is presented, and use your inner light, your guidance system, to shine your way out of the darkness.

Can I Do it all Wrong?
There are no wrong ways to learn the soul contracts. You cannot fail. If you choose not to experience your “lesson”, then your team will direct you again to have another opportunity to grasp the lesson.

There are souls on this planet that have agreed to show others how to experience their light. This is a contract that you have set up.  When we incarnate, our souls purpose might to be to experience what it is like to be the inflictor of pain on others. Or it might choose to experience being trapped in a physical body that cannot express their divinity in a physical way. We might also choose to be connected to a group consciousness that chooses to help cleans the planet and lift Gaia into ascension. All of these

Contracts are divine. Each person and experience comes from the place of divinity and unconditional love.

What is a Common Lesson That We All Choose to Experience When We Incarnate?
To remember who we are. To remember that we are pure, white, light that is experiencing what it feels like to not be the light, amidst all the challenges and confusion that we face daily. To remember we are all connected, and to remember that we are phenomenal souls. All of us. Not some of us, not some more than others, but all of us equally the same.

Being the Observer of Others Contracts.
Seeing a person playing out their role can be very disempowering to watch when the choices made do not resonate with who you are. What you can choose to do is to see this soul as a light that is weighed down by karmic ties that makes it challenging for them to move forward.  See the person with love and know that they have chosen this life path to experience what they need to experience. It is not your responsibility to control or save others. Work on your own contracts, be the light that you are and make choices that work with your souls lessons. When you live in your truth then this shines the way for others to be who they really are. Be a beacon in the dark for other souls to follow.

Living Through a Difficult Part of Your Soul’s Contract.
Some of you may question how to choose the light when everything around you is so dark. I’m sure we can all think of an experience or a time we have gone through, that has knocked us down so hard that we have no idea how to stand back up. I have been here and the advice that I can give to you, is to reach for the next best emotion that is heading towards the light.  If you can see where you need to be, but can’t possibly see a way to get there, then, take baby steps back to the light.

How Do I Identify My Souls Lessons?
Firstly we need to understand that soul contracts need to be worked through. Once they have been done, we can release them. Some may be released this lifetime, others not.

Secondly, raise your awareness to what patterns of behaviour or emotions are being triggered by certain people or situations. For example, do you always get upset around the issue of money? Do you experience anxiety when confronting authority figures? Are you longing for a relationship but time after time struggle to keep anyone in your life? Usually if a person or situation arouses a reaction in you, you can bet there is a soul contract in place.

Once you have the awareness of the contract then you can see things with more clarity. When you can see clearly, you will be able to make decisions to start to deal with the contracts head on. As you work through them, you can slowly begin to release the contract.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Letting Go

There is one thing that is for certain and that is the world is in a constant state of change. Our lives are ever changing, growing and evolving.  Our life is a series of changing times, emotions, lessons and adventures. Change is what we can count on for sure. But to move with the changes in life, we have to live life free from the baggage (or lessons) of the past.
Sometimes the lessons in life that are presented to us are difficult. We can experience pain, trauma, heartache, confusion, distrust, disgust, fear and anger. One of the hardest lessons for us to learn in this life time is to let go of the past and practice forgiveness.
We all hold experiences that have given us the opportunity to grow on a soul level. It is the choices we make after our lessons that determine if we are going to move and change with the times or stay stuck in the past in an ever changing world.                                                                                                                                                                
What Am I Holding Onto?
When we look into our hearts we may see that there are things that we hold onto. Are we holding onto the past? Are we holding onto old emotions like fear or anger? Are we holding onto an old belief that no longer serves us? When we hold onto the past and it no longer serves us, we become blocked and stuck, inhibiting the ability to grow as souls.
Life is challenging and it is without question that we have the right to feel resentment and anger. We have the right to question, shout, cry and hide from the world for a while. But there is a choice. You can choose to stay locked into the past, giving all your power away to the circumstance and rob yourself of a future. Or, you can choose not to be a victim of circumstance, find forgiveness and walk without the past defining your future.

Acknowledge What You Need to Let Go Of?
Often we know exactly what we need to let go of. But sometimes we have done such a good job of hiding our pain from ourselves that over the years it is very difficult to identify what lies beneath the surface. What we can often recognize is the patterns of emotions, fears and struggles that play out in our lives. Our actions and behaviours often mimic the pain left behind from something we need to let go of. Be kind to yourself and take time to see the truth in your behaviours. You do not need to give your power away to your past.  When you can see patterns repeating, stop! Investigate the truth and set yourself free. Here are some common behaviours that we may need to let go of:
1.       Fears - Sometimes we have been afraid for so long that we are unable to see how afraid we really are. Are you staying away from people, places and opportunities? Do you talk yourself out

of new things to try? What are you really afraid of? Acknowledge your fears, see the truth in your behaviour, take a deep breath and release your fears. Ask yourself, “If I do this, will I get hurt?” If not, LET GO and jump into life with two feet. LIVE LIFE with JOY.

2.       Control - It is your decision to let people control you and have power over you. It may be obvious that they are wrong and you are right. You may feel the urgency to push your truth and win the battle. But this is also letting others control you. People will try and control you out of fear. But control is not a behaviour that comes from the place of love. As you awaken more on your spiritual journey, you will be more sensitive of peoples need to control you. All that is required of you is to see that behaviour for what it is…a blockage to love.

3.       Resistance - Resistance is also something many of us need to let go of. We resist new lessons by putting up a block. This block may be in the form of an old belief or an old feeling. Life is kind to us. If we don’t take the opportunity to learn the lesson it presents us, it will continue to bring us the lessons until we learn what we need to. Lessons are hard and we often resist the challenges it presents to us. As each lesson appears to us, ask yourself, “What do I need to learn”. Embrace the challenge, and break through the resistance. For what we resist persists.

4.       Resentment - Resentments are hurtful not only to yourself but also to the people around you. When you are living in a resentful way the energy of this negativity spews out into the lives of the people around you. The stronger the resentment the more powerful the energy is. Be aware of this painful, toxic energy. You are responsible for the direct negativity that flows onto others. Let go of resentment. Free yourself of the unhappiness and free those around you. Live in the light.

Forgiveness - Forgiveness from the heart is for your own benefit more so than anyone else’s. Pain, judgement, anger, fear, hatred, jealousy, resentment, negativity, and control are all behaviours and feelings that are from the dark or shadow side of you. When we live attached to these feelings and behaviours than we cannot live life with love and joy. We cannot be happy and fulfilled. We cannot live in the truth of who we really are.
Forgiveness releases us from the attachment to past pain and hurt. When we forgive we free ourselves from the control that the past has. Forgive yourself from past guilt, past behaviours, past people. Stop the judgements, stop the negativity, stop the anger, and stop the bitterness. Forgiveness is letting go. When we let go we move forward.

“Forgiveness does not change the past, but enlarges the future” Paul Boese

Tuesday, 1 October 2013


What is Mindfulness?
It is awareness of the present moment. It is to be truly alive and awake in each living moment of your life. It is to notice your breath as it flows in and out; it is to the connection with everything you experience with your senses, it is the realisation that you are part of the cosmos as is everything around you.

Being mindful is a practice that we as adults often have to relearn. When we are very young children we are naturally mindful in everything we do. We felt the grass we sat on and were tickled by the feeling on our skin. We experienced creating in the moment with our art, stories and imaginative play. We felt emotions as they were, not afraid of being judged or afraid of expressing ourselves. We lived in the moment.

As we grew we learnt that our mind had to be focused and on task. Society did not teach us to be and stay present. Over time we learnt to forget the practice of mindfulness to allow room for our egos to expand and control.

Why live mindfully?
When you are fully present there is no room for the ego. There is only space for peacefulness and happiness. In a mindful state there is no fear, anxiety, criticism, shame, dishonour, judgement or sorrow. When you are mindful your mind and body are unified, they are working together consciously. Your mind is uncluttered and you can be fully present in what you are doing. When you are not unified your mind separates you from yourself. You lose the link to who you really are.

How to become mindful?
There is much research and teachings on mindfulness and many how to guides, but the clearest and most profound explanations that I have listened too are from Thich Nhat Hanh. Thich Nhat Hanh is a Buddhist Monk who teaches the art of mindfulness all around the world. He explains mindfulness with such clarity and love that his message and teachings are adopted and received by many all over the world. These are some of his suggestions to live a peaceful and happy life.

1.       The Breath – This is so important. When you are breathing in, know that you are breathing in. When you are breathing out, know that you are breathing out. This practice stops the thinking. When we are thinking too much we are not ourselves. Our body is present and our mind is somewhere else.
When you are not present you do not see things clearly…you miss things. Think of when you are busy in your mind and your family members want your attention. How can you be fully present and give them what they need if your mind is not there?

Be there. Be available to the people in your life. Life is only available to you in the moment. It is not found in the past or the future. See the world as it is. See the beauty and the freshness of what the world has to offer. Try not to miss life. Breathe in with awareness, breathe out with awareness. Happiness, peace and joy are all in the present moment.

2.       Flower Fresh – When you breathe in see yourself as a flower, when you breathe out ‘I feel fresh’. Humans are born as flowers. Think of a baby…a baby is very fresh and very beautiful. Just like a flower. Buddhist’s describe our eyes like a lotus flower, and our lips like a beautiful flower too especially when we smile. You can offer this flower to anyone at any time just by breathing in and breathing out and smiling.

Our eyes can smile too. We can smile through our eyes. When we do this we can give 2 flowers and if we smile with our mouth as well we can give 3 flowers.

We need to know how to take care of our flowers. If we do not tend to them they will wither and become tired. So you need to breathe deeply and smile like a flower, breathe deeply out, you are fresh. Practice refreshing yourself and being a flower. Being a flower is happiness.

3.       Mountain Solid – Sit in a strong position like the lotus position or half lotus…You feel solid in this strong position. Stability and solidity in the body help the mind to become stable. Practice breathing in see yourself as a mountain, breathe out… I am solid.

During our lives we experience strong emotions from time to time. Sometimes we can feel very overwhelmed which can make us feel vulnerable. But we are more solid than we think. When we practice being strong like a mountain we can weather these strong emotional times much better.

We are like a tree. Our emotions are on the top like the branches in a storm. They are very vulnerable. But our trunk is strong. Our trunk is just below our naval, so bring your attention to this place and see yourself as a mountain. Breathe in and breathe out watching your stomach. If you practice this, your emotions will not be able to destroy you. When you breathe in, say to yourself…”I see myself as a mountain”, when you breathe out…”I feel solid”.

4.       Space Free – Space is the symbol of liberty.
Breathe in…”I see myself as space”. Breathe out…”I feel free”. Allow yourself space inside and space outside. If you do not have space around you, you cannot move. All human beings need space. Though space can only be obtained by practice. You can practice to offer freedom, to offer emptiness to yourself and to others. 

If you are very busy with many things going on, you don’t have space. How can you be happy? You may need to throw away most of the things around you to be happy. People who have space around them are happier than those that do not. If you want your loved ones to be happy, give them space. If you want to be happy, than give yourself space.

5.       Water Reflected – Visualise a lake in the mountains, the water so still, so clear. It reflects the blue sky and the mountains. You can look into the lake and see your face because it is not distorted at all. It is calm, still and everything is reflected just as it is. Breathe in…”I see myself as still waters”. Breathe out…”I see things as they are”.

When we are not calm we distort things. We cannot clearly see the message from other people and not be open to seeing the truth.

Imagine the full moon in the sky – she wants to reflect herself in the water of your pond. But the water in your pond is not calm. How can the moon reflect herself in you? Therefore it is not the fault of the moon; it is the fault of the water.

If the pond of the mind is still, your perceptions will be correct and you will understand what people are trying to tell us. When the mind is not still you cannot receive the truth from the cosmos. Therefore, practice breathing in and breathing out to calm you, so true understanding can be possible. Sitting quietly is a wonderful way to calm you and to be still waters.

References: The Art of Mindful Living, Thich Nhat Hanh

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Living With Stress

What is Stress?

Stress is our body’s reaction to an event or circumstance that our bodies perceive as a challenge. Our nervous system responds to this threat by releasing stress hormones including adrenalin and cortisol. These hormones get the body ready for action. Our bodies were designed to survive. Stress kicks off the fight or flight response. When this occurs our bodies change – our heart beats faster, our breath quickens as our muscles tighten, our blood pressure and our respiration rate increase, our digestion slows and there is an increase of glucose secretion from the liver to prepare us to react to the upcoming challenge.

When the threat or challenge is over, then our bodies hit a clear point where the stress cycle concludes with relaxation. You begin to take long slow breaths as all the tension drains from your body. The heart rate returns to normal, blood pressure returns to normal, muscles relax and your body settles back into its normal state. This is the relaxation response. It is the critical point in maintaining a healthy state within your body.

Is Stress Normal?

A little bit of stress is very normal and is even beneficial in getting us moving throughout the day. For example when we need to get to work on time or have a deadline for a project or even the stress of feeding your hunger. A little bit of stress keeps us motivated, on task and excited even for a challenge. This is good, productive stress. But it is very important for us to acknowledge when the stress we are dealing with is too much. It is also important to note that stress is subjective. What one person sees as a stress another person will not be challenged at all.

How to Recognize when Stress Is Destructive?

Stress can sneak up on us. Sometimes it might be that we have been stressed for so long that it is starting to feel normal.  We all experience stress differently but some of the signs you can look for are:
·         Becoming unproductive, fatigued and exhausted.
·         Start to be short tempered and irrational.
·         Headaches, allergies, rashes or ulcers may occur.
·         Getting depressed depressed and withdraw, or anxious with a million thought running through our mind.
·         Constant worrying, feeling l isolated and moody.
 These are some of the warning signs. When you start to manifest the stress into physical conditions then it’s time to take responsibility and work out a better plan to take care of yourself.

What are some causes of stress in our modern day?
Not every stress is seen as a negative but can put a big strain on you. For example, getting married, buying a home and moving, a new baby, new job e.t.c…
Other stressors can include financial issues, relationship troubles, fear, poor health, self-criticism, being too busy or may be the inability to accept change.

Why is Too Much Stress a Problem?

Remember at the beginning we talked about the flight or fight response and then at the end of the threat the relaxation response kicks in? Well when we are stressed and we are constantly stressed, that means are bodies are constantly is a state of tension, high blood pressure, fast heart beats, and shallow breathing. When under chronic stress and our bodies have not been given the chance to return to a normal healthy state, and if left untreated illness and disease will occur.  This can be anything from heart disease, pains of any kind, blood pressure problems, immunity problems, skin conditions, and sleep disorders to name a few.

Taking Responsibility for Stress in Your Life.

When in a very stressful situation one might feel that life is beyond their control. And you may be right. Some situations we cannot control but we do have control over how we respond to what life throws at us. We can control our thoughts, feelings and emotions. We can choose to take charge of what we can control. If we can change the stressful situation, than do it. If we can’t (not won’t), then control what you can.

Learn strategies to relax. Some examples include:
1.       Meditation. Focused attention on the now. Giving your body the chance to wind down, recover and begin to heal itself.
2.       Deep focused breathing. This is a natural state of restfulness. When concentrating on your breathing you are giving your body permission to relax. The oxygen is taken deep into your cells and the muscles will relax.
3.       Physical Exercise – this promotes the circulation of hormones, helps us use excess cortisol( too much cortisol weakens our immune system), and increases the serotonin levels, improves the cardiovascular system and our psychological health.
4.       White Light –Visualising the white light coming into your body on the in breath and exhaling the stress as a dark colour on the outbreath. Relax and continue doing this until you feel calm, rest and relaxed.
5.       Checking in with your body throughout the day – See that you muscles are relaxed, especially your neck, shoulders, face and jaw.

Crystals to Support Stress
·         Aragonite – Helpful during periods of stress and anger as it provides ease of centering oneself.
·         Azurite – gives comfort by calming anxiety associated with disease.
·         Chlorocalcite – is a calming agent and can be used to produce an inner reflection concerning that which can potentially cause stress in one’s life.
·         Gold – Helps with the over burden of responsibility, combats feelings of depression and inferiority and calms excitation and stages of anger
·         Howlite – Can be used to eliminate stress or rage
·         Kunzite – Can help with stress related diseases. Eliminates  energy blockages which encourage the dysfunction within the body
·         Labradorite – reduces anxiety and stress
·         Lepidolite – used for stress reduction and stress
·         related disorders
·         Fire Opal – Allows one to remain centered during times of decision making and stress
·         Rose Quartz -  Used to open the heart center allowing for the dissolution of stress and tension
·         Sunstone- used to dissipate fearfulness to alleviate stress and to increase vitality
·         Thunder Egg – The energy is one of joy and peace and is especially helpful in times of great stress
·         Turquoise – used to help treat skin conditions related to stress.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

The Chakras- An Overview

The chakras are a spinning vortex of energy that both takes up and collects energy and transforms and passes on the energy to our physical bodies and aura. The prana or life force is vital for our physical bodies, without which we could not function. The chakra is the gateway for this energy into our physical bodies.
Chakras draw in energy to help us with learning the lessons that we wish to gain in this lifetime. But we must keep in mind that the chakras can get blocked up with emotions, fears and anxieties. After looking individually at each chakra we are now aware what area of our bodies, mind or spirit may need work. It is so much easier for you to deal with issues when they arise to ensure you do not suffer more than you need to.

Movement of Energy through the Chakras
The Chakras are stacked up upon each other and the energy moves both up and down the spine. The energy flowing up the spine is the liberating current. It frees you and you feel less bound the higher you go, or the more you awaken. The energy flowing down is the manifesting current where the energy gains density as it travels downward until it manifests into physical form.
There is also movement of horizontal energy into each chakra. These currents are responsible for expression and reception of energy in our interaction with the world and each other.
If these currents are blocked either vertically or horizontally we may have trouble expressing or receiving, liberating or manifesting. If this is so, then our life becomes compromised.

After looking at each individual chakra and the connection each energy vortex has with our physical body, we have opened ourselves up to the knowledge that we are all responsible for our own mind, body and spirit in a much more dynamic way than what we may have believed before we started studying the chakras. As we grow and develop spiritually and come to the awareness of how our energetic system works it is hard for each of us to go back to our old ways and shut off the warning systems to make deeper life changes.

What we have come to know is that we are a mind, body and spirit and each system has to be cared for and nurtured in order to work in an optimal way.  If one only cares for the physical body through exercise, good diet but neglects the mind and spirit, then we cannot be balanced and well. We may eventually suffer from illness or other challenges on our life’s path.

We are very special important souls, who have chosen to incarnate on this planet at this time. We are loved unconditionally and we owe it to ourselves and the planet to live the best life we can. We are love, we are connected, and we are one. We breathe the same air, we share the same space, and we came from the same source. When you take care and love yourself then you are taking care of everyone and the planet. For you are the light and when you shine brightly you are healing mankind and healing the planet. There is no separation. Take responsibility for yourself and your life will flourish. The more people that live this way, the more the human race will learn to live in peace and harmony.

Intelligence, Knowledge and Guidance.
You are connected to source through our Chakras. We are not separate, EVER. You have access to unlimited knowledge, creativity and an abundance of cosmic intelligence and guidance. By studying the chakras and learning how to connect to source and ground to earth, we have an infinite source of all we need at our finger tips. The more we arm ourselves with the information and tools to access our higher selves the more we can ride the highs and lows of life with balance, harmony and peace. Think of yourself like a tree that bends with the wind but stays strong and secure in the trunk.

A Quick Overview
·        *  Chakra means “wheel of Light”
·         * The chakras support the functions of our physical and spiritual bodies
·         * We have 7 major chakras and minor chakras in your hands, feet and in every joint in your body and placed all around you in your aura.
·         * The chakras are connected to each other through a network that forms a vast circulation system for universal energy
·         * In a healthy state the chakras will spin evenly and quickly and each one will glow brightly with the particular colour of the light spectrum.
·        *  A weak, stressed or tired chakra can feel very sluggish or have a very unbalanced, elliptical spin. With your mind’s eye you may see a dull or dark chakra, rather than the lovely bright colours it should ideally be.

  Lower Chakrasthe first three chakras deal with external reality: how secure and stable your life is, how you fit into your community and how to express your individuality.
1.       Root Chakra (RED)brings grounding and security
2.       Sacral Chakra (Orange) equips you to go with the flow and taste all life has to offer
3.       Solar plexus (Yellow) empowers you with the energy you need to function efficiently.
·         Middle Chakras – Deal with your internal reality
4.       Heart Chakra (green/Pink) governs the energy of love and compassion, enabling you to express love (or blocking its expression)
5.       Throat Chakra (Blue) deals with communication and equips you to take in information and express yourself.
6.       Third Eye Chakra (Indigo) is the seat of wisdom. Your mind’s eye sees your dreams and directs you to them.
·         Highest Chakra
7.       Crown Chakra (White, Gold, and Violet) deals with the ultimate reality and infinite potential.

Developmental Stages of the Chakras
The chakras evolve sequentially, from the bottom to the top along with our chronological age. It is sometimes necessary for the next chakra phase to begin in order for the one below it to complete.
Developmental Stage
Life Lesson
Sacramental Significance
Womb- 12 months
6 months- 2 years
Building relationships
18 months- 4 years
Solar Plexus
Personal Power
4-7 years
Heart Chakra
Unconditional Love
7-12 years
Third Eye
The Last Rite