This Chakra is located centrally at the base of the
neck and is represented by the colour sky blue and the seed sound is HAM
(pronounced hum). This is our communication and expression centre that governs
listening, hearing, and speaking. The throat chakra allows us to synthesis the
communication from source and the world so that we may live a life of speaking
our inner truth and sharing it with the people around us. It is about
expressing our desires, needs, wants, ideas and love. This chakra is the
connection between our heart and our mind.
Our creative ideas manifest through this chakra when
we speak the idea using its energy. This chakra is about being flexible working
with others and being accepting of who they are. But it is also about taking
responsibility for your needs and having the power to change things in your
life. Do you see yourself as a person who has self-control and self-discipline?
This is important in achieving our hopes, dreams and desires. This chakra is
also about how we use our will power. Do we use it to move ahead in our life
but not use it “over” others?
our Truth
What is this? How do we know if we are speaking our
truth? Our truth is the part of us that knows who we really are. It
knows our true desires, our true needs and our true intentions. To speak our
truth we are voicing our desires, needs and wants from this sacred place and in
turn we are honouring who we really are. When we do not create a silent space
to listen to our truth, we then rely on the mind to be our voice and this can
interfere greatly with what it is that we truly want. For example, we do something
we do not want for a fear of rejection, or offending someone. When in fact this
something we agree to do can greatly go against what resonates with us. Of
Course your truth varies from person to person as we have all walked different
paths and had different experiences.
A Balanced Throat Chakra
balanced, communication and self-expression come easily as is the ability to
meditate easily. Tactfulness and calmness in your communication is observed, as
is your loyalty, trustworthiness and honesty. You will find that you can easily
convey your creativity and intention and display the strong attribute of
A Unbalanced Throat Chakra
it is weak or blocked, this may see you holding back from expressing yourself.
You may exhibit tendencies to be shy, lie, gossip and be judgmental of others.
Unfaithfulness, lack of faith and trustworthiness may also be signs that this
chakra needs to be balanced.
An Excessive Throat Chakra may see one as over
talkative, self-righteous and arrogant.
Physical Manifestations of a Blocked Throat Chakra
The Throat chakra governs the throat, thyroid,
trachea, neck, vertebrae, mouth, teeth and gums. When the energy is blocked for
a while in this chakra, it can lead to the following physical ailments: Thyroid
issues, neck pain, tension headaches, grinding teeth, jaw pain, dental issues,
ear infections, deafness, laryngitis, and mouth addictions: e.g. smoking, over
eating, alcohol abuse.
Ether is the element of the Throat Chakra.
The Throat chakra is associated with the element of
Ether. It is the last chakra associated with an element. Ether can be described
as space. The throat chakra holds the space for our expression so that it can
flow freely. At times we can feel choked up, feel like we’re suffocating, or we
may just needing space. These are signs that the ether energy needs to be
cleared to create more space to ‘just be’. Our breath is the life force for our
physical bodies. We can use this breath by breathing in deeply and slowly to
help clear the space that is needed to move forward. For example, public
speaking or performing can be very daunting to many people, but to gain the
courage and the power to move into this space, often you will see these people
take a deep long breath before they perform. This is clearing the energy to let
the expression flow.
Hearing and the Throat Chakra
Hearing is the sense that is linked to this
chakra. Are you listening to your higher self? It is understandable that
many people cannot hear their higher self as many people today have such busy
lives and do not sit in silence to hear what needs to be listened too. It is so
important to find the time to sit in stillness to hear messages, listen to the
truth, so that your life can be communicated to the world in an honest way.
Also listen to your body…what is it telling you?
The Thyroid Glands
The Throat Chakra is connected to the Thyroid gland.
It is used to help regulate the metabolism. The throat chakra is seen as the
chakra that metabolizes the information from the other chakras in our body.
Thyroid problems are often directly attributed to issues in the throat chakra.
Some questions you may ask yourself are… Am I speaking up for myself? Am I
speaking my truth? Am I listening to what I need to hear? Am I fully expressing
my needs and wants?
Clearing the Throat chakra
Meditate – create the space that is needed for the
energy to flow through this chakra. It will allow you to hear your inner voice
and your guidance from the higher realms.
Sky Blue – Is the colour that vibrates in
harmony with this chakra, so wear blue.
Notice if you start wearing blue without
thinking…Listen to what your subconscious is telling you.
Visualise - Bring in a healing blue
radiant light directly into the throat chakra and visualize it healing and
clearing this energy centre.
Sing/Chant/Laugh/Yawn –
Using your voice to clear this area is very beneficial. Sing out loud in the
car or at home, anywhere you feel comfortable. Not only will it help your throat
chakra but it will lift your vibration and put you in a wonderful mood.
Speak Your Truth – Even if
your voice shakes and you are fearful of consequences. How can you go wrong if
you speak from the heart? This allows your feelings and emotions to be
expressed rather than bottled up and held onto as anger and resentment.
Journal- This is a wonderful way to express and let
go of the events of the day as well as an opportunity to explore and digest
your feelings and emotions.
Crystals – Lapis lazuli, Blue Lace Agate, Aquamarine,
Aqua Aura, Blue Calcite, Celeste, Kynaite, Turquoise and Labradorite.
After completing the grounding meditation, starting with the root chakra, open each of your chakras, one by one. To do this? All you have to do is simply imagine each one opening. I assign a colored rosebud, corresponding to chakra color, for each of the seven chakras, and imagine it bloom. At Britta Jean you can learn more about.