There is one thing that is for certain and
that is the world is in a constant state of change. Our lives are ever
changing, growing and evolving. Our life
is a series of changing times, emotions, lessons and adventures. Change is what
we can count on for sure. But to move with the changes in life, we have to live
life free from the baggage (or lessons) of the past.
Sometimes the lessons in life that are
presented to us are difficult. We can experience pain, trauma, heartache,
confusion, distrust, disgust, fear and anger. One of the hardest lessons for us
to learn in this life time is to let go of the past and practice forgiveness.
We all hold experiences that have given us
the opportunity to grow on a soul level. It is the choices we make after our
lessons that determine if we are going to move and change with the times or
stay stuck in the past in an ever changing world.
Am I Holding Onto?
When we look into our hearts we may see
that there are things that we hold onto. Are we holding onto the past? Are we
holding onto old emotions like fear or anger? Are we holding onto an old belief
that no longer serves us? When we hold onto the past and it no longer serves us,
we become blocked and stuck, inhibiting the ability to grow as souls.
Life is challenging and it is without
question that we have the right to feel resentment and anger. We have the right
to question, shout, cry and hide from the world for a while. But there is a
choice. You can choose to stay locked into the past, giving all your power away
to the circumstance and rob yourself of a future. Or, you can choose not to be
a victim of circumstance, find forgiveness and walk without the past defining your
What You Need to Let Go Of?
Often we know exactly what we need to let
go of. But sometimes we have done such a good job of hiding our pain from
ourselves that over the years it is very difficult to identify what lies
beneath the surface. What we can often recognize is the patterns of emotions,
fears and struggles that play out in our lives. Our actions and behaviours
often mimic the pain left behind from something we need to let go of. Be kind
to yourself and take time to see the truth in your behaviours. You do not need
to give your power away to your past. When you can see patterns repeating, stop!
Investigate the truth and set yourself free. Here are some common behaviours
that we may need to let go of:
1. Fears - Sometimes we have been afraid for so
long that we are unable to see how afraid we really are. Are you staying away
from people, places and opportunities? Do you talk yourself out
of new things to try? What
are you really afraid of? Acknowledge your fears, see the truth in your
behaviour, take a deep breath and release your fears. Ask yourself, “If I do
this, will I get hurt?” If not, LET GO
and jump into life with two feet. LIVE LIFE with JOY.
2. Control - It is your decision to let people
control you and have power over you. It may be obvious that they are wrong and
you are right. You may feel the urgency to push your truth and win the battle.
But this is also letting others control you. People will try and control you
out of fear. But control is not a behaviour that comes from the place of love.
As you awaken more on your spiritual journey, you will be more sensitive of
peoples need to control you. All that is required of you is to see that
behaviour for what it is…a blockage to love.
3. Resistance - Resistance is also something many of
us need to let go of. We resist new lessons by putting up a block. This block
may be in the form of an old belief or an old feeling. Life is kind to us. If
we don’t take the opportunity to learn the lesson it presents us, it will
continue to bring us the lessons until we learn what we need to. Lessons are
hard and we often resist the challenges it presents to us. As each lesson appears
to us, ask yourself, “What do I need to learn”. Embrace the challenge, and
break through the resistance. For what we resist persists.
4. Resentment - Resentments are hurtful not only to yourself but also to the
people around you. When you are living in a resentful way the energy of this
negativity spews out into the lives of the people around you. The stronger the resentment
the more powerful the energy is. Be aware of this painful, toxic energy. You
are responsible for the direct negativity that flows onto others. Let go of
resentment. Free yourself of the unhappiness and free those around you. Live in
the light.
Forgiveness - Forgiveness from the heart is for
your own benefit more so than anyone else’s. Pain, judgement, anger, fear,
hatred, jealousy, resentment, negativity, and control are all behaviours and
feelings that are from the dark or shadow side of you. When we live attached to
these feelings and behaviours than we cannot live life with love and joy. We
cannot be happy and fulfilled. We cannot live in the truth of who we really
Forgiveness releases us from the attachment
to past pain and hurt. When we forgive we free ourselves from the control that
the past has. Forgive yourself from past guilt, past behaviours, past people.
Stop the judgements, stop the negativity, stop the anger, and stop the
bitterness. Forgiveness is letting go. When we let go we move forward.
does not change the past, but enlarges the future” Paul Boese
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