are we here? What choices did I make before I arrived here on earth? What did I
want to experience in this lifetime to grow as a soul? All these questions can
be answered when looking into your own soul contracts.
What is a Soul Contract?
soul contract is a predetermined contract with your higher self about what you
are going to experience when you descend on the earth plane. You and your team
of guides get together and talk about what experiences will best serve your
souls growth. What is decided becomes your blueprint.
Do I Choose the Souls Who Will Assist My Growth?
also decide what souls are going to assist you in your journey to experience
growth. These are soul-to-soul contracts. Animals also have souls so they also
can have contracts with you. You have primary contracts with certain
souls and you also have secondary contracts with other souls, who help support
the primary contracts. Lastly, you also have individual contracts with
Am I going it Alone?
contrast into this reality to what our souls know is huge. But we are not left
alone. We are teamed up with guides and angels to guide us on our way, pointing
us in the direction of our souls lessons.
The Gift of Free Will.
of the greatest privileges we have here is that we also are given the gift of
free will. We have the choice when we incarnate here to move in whatever
direction that we choose. We are the captains of our own ship. It is often
difficult when our lessons are strong and hard, and often we find it difficult
to rise above the darkness to see the light? It all comes down to choice. We
have the strength and ability to choose the light. We made the plan to
experience what would show us how to be the light.
you choose to live is totally up to you. Your free will is a gift. The most
important thing to remember is that when your experiences are challenging, go
within your heart and mind , find the truth in what is presented, and use your
inner light, your guidance system, to shine your way out of the darkness.
Can I Do it all Wrong?
are no wrong ways to learn the soul contracts. You cannot fail. If you choose
not to experience your “lesson”, then your team will direct you again to have
another opportunity to grasp the lesson.
are souls on this planet that have agreed to show others how to experience
their light. This is a contract that you have set up. When we
incarnate, our souls purpose might to be to experience what it is like to be
the inflictor of pain on others. Or it might choose to experience being trapped
in a physical body that cannot express their divinity in a physical way. We
might also choose to be connected to a group consciousness that chooses to help
cleans the planet and lift Gaia into ascension. All of these
are divine. Each person and experience comes from the place of divinity and
unconditional love.
What is a Common Lesson That We All Choose
to Experience When We Incarnate?
remember who we are. To remember that we are pure, white, light that is
experiencing what it feels like to not be the light, amidst all the challenges
and confusion that we face daily. To remember we are all connected, and to
remember that we are phenomenal souls. All of us. Not some of us, not some more
than others, but all of us equally the same.
Being the Observer of Others Contracts.
a person playing out their role can be very disempowering to watch when the
choices made do not resonate with who you are. What you can choose to do is to
see this soul as a light that is weighed down by karmic ties that makes it
challenging for them to move forward. See the person with love and
know that they have chosen this life path to experience what they need to
experience. It is not your responsibility to control or save others. Work on
your own contracts, be the light that you are and make choices that work with
your souls lessons. When you live in your truth then this shines the way for
others to be who they really are. Be a beacon in the dark for other souls to
Living Through a Difficult Part of Your Soul’s
of you may question how to choose the light when everything around you is so
dark. I’m sure we can all think of an experience or a time we have gone
through, that has knocked us down so hard that we have no idea how to stand
back up. I have been here and the advice that I can give to you, is to reach
for the next best emotion that is heading towards the light. If you
can see where you need to be, but can’t possibly see a way to get there, then,
take baby steps back to the light.
How Do I Identify My Souls Lessons?
we need to understand that soul contracts need to be worked through. Once they
have been done, we can release them. Some may be released this lifetime, others
raise your awareness to what patterns of behaviour or emotions are being
triggered by certain people or situations. For example, do you always get upset
around the issue of money? Do you experience anxiety when confronting authority
figures? Are you longing for a relationship but time after time struggle to
keep anyone in your life? Usually if a person or situation arouses a reaction
in you, you can bet there is a soul contract in place.
you have the awareness of the contract then you can see things with more
clarity. When you can see clearly, you will be able to make decisions to start
to deal with the contracts head on. As you work through them, you can slowly
begin to release the contract.
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