Monday 30 April 2012

How to fully engage the heart!

Hi Everyone,

Here are last nights notes on meditation. It was a beautiful night (as always).
Don't forget to email me if your interested in our classes or have any questions about what we do here at Spirit and Soul Language.
We provide many services, from Meditiation classes, to crystals, jewelry, salt lamps, spiritual books, Clairvoyance readings to Land Healing.
I am available by phone, just call Mary on 0417362535.

There are four important aspects of the heart (as there are four chambers) corresponding with the  true expressions of your Spirit.

1. Open Heart

You are born with an open heart – open to receive, feel and experience love of God, life and others. You had a direct connection to Source.   It’s the heart that expects life to be positive and a wonderful experience.  The open heart sees, feels, and absorbs the beauty of the world.

Sadly, we do experience human ego confusion – anger, judgment, and disapproval which disconnects us from our Spirit and closes our hearts.  In this state, you will not be able to connect with your Spirit and you become isolated in your ego.

Keeping your heart open is among the most important – and perhaps most challenging of all decisions you can make to love yourself and live your Spirit. You must maintain an open heart in order to stay in a close and receptive relationship with all that nurtures and supports your spirit.   When you do you claim your right, as a Divine being, to be provided for and nourished throughout life no matter what unfolds.  When you expect good things, you attract them. This is the natural Divine plan.  

“Things work out in the end.  If it hasn’t worked out, it’s not the end.”  So, until the end, keep your heart open and expect good things.

2. Clear Heart

A clear heart allows you to engage in life with objectivity and reason.  When your heart is clear, you don’t take life personally.  When it is not clear, it’s very difficult to love yourself because you’re too busy being victimized and abused by those around you and suffering for it.
You can’t get to a clear heart through the ego, because this part of you gets in the way and blocks the Spirit from taking you to a higher ground.  You must decide that you’re not going to be a victim of anyone’s behaviour in order to access a clear heart.  Once you do, your heart automatically begins to clear.
You begin to understand that your boss acts like a bully because he’s insecure, not because you’re doing a bad job.  You recognize that your child is angry and defensive because the child is neglecting their responsibility, not because you are a bad parent.
Having a clear heart is an enormously self loving choice because it frees you from absorbing everyone else’s misery and lets your enjoy your peace. 
To have a clear heart is simple

a) Take nothing personally.  Whatever someone does or doesn’t do isn’t about you.

b) Don’t be a victim.  Remember that you can’t control others, but you can choose how your respond to them.

When your heart is clear, you can see connections and hidden relationships where you understand what’s really going on with people and can therefore make better choices about how you want to respond. 
When you feel fear, it clouds or fogs the heart.  Simply recognize it when it shows up and acknowledge its presence, stay positive and you will see the fear subside and clarity returns to the heart.   Many of our fears really are nothing more than threats to our already insecure egos.  There is always that possibility of fear being about danger.  it is far better to acknowledge fear’s presence so that our heart will clear up and our guidance will come through to help get us out of it.
Ask your Spirit is it a real or an imagined threat?  Listen to the answer, if it is real, ask the clear heart to guide you quickly to safety; if imagined, ask it to step aside. 
What fogs and disturbs a clear heart are strong emotions of any sort like intense anger, strong infatuation or overwhelming grief.   These emotions interrupt our ability to love. Emotions are like messengers, they inform us about the experiences of our lives.   We learn from them, but shouldn’t act on them.  It’s best to wait until their intensity passes then choose our actions.  Take a walk, work out or a hot shower, calm the ego. 
When your heart is clear, you can feel your Spirit and automatically find great love and appreciation for yourself.  When clouded, you can’t touch or sense your Spirit because your ego is freaking out.  When your heart is clear, you can make healthy, self -loving choices that honour your Spirit.  

     3. Wise Heart

The aspect of self -love moves away from the personal “I” and sees you as part of a greater whole, the human race.  The wise heart encourages you to move beyond personal gain and begin to consider the impact of each of your choices on the whole of humanity.   This is the wise heart of self -control on an ego level – the heart that opts not to drink and drive or chooses fresh food over fast food when planning meals. 
A wise heart refrains you from reacting in some situations rather than acting.  Choose to walk away if it means avoiding conflict.   A wise heart protects and serves us in all situations.  We need to forfeit the need to be “right”.  The minute we believe we’re “right”, someone else must be “wrong” and there is your conflict.  Have you values, your morals and convictions, that is fine, but respect differences in opinion.  It is important to live with your inner morals and your personal inner guidance. 
Engaging a wise heart is more than simply controlling your emotions – its also accessing higher reason to guide your through tough situations. 

Monday 23 April 2012

Spiritual Accounting – Is your Spirit over taxed?

There are energetic costs of living in an ego based world.   Our spirit becomes over taxed, drained and depleted.  It only takes simple steps of awareness to balance ego and self love.

Like all expenditure, we need to properly assess our psychic expenditures so we can stay on the positive side of the life’s balance sheet. 

Let’s face it – all people we interact with daily, business or pleasure – including our closest of family, require some amount of energy from us.   Fortunately, the same also replenish energy.   Our assignment as consciously self-loving, Divine spiritual beings is to accurately measure these energetic expenditures so that we can keep our balance.  Given the demands of day-to-day life, we must replenish ourselves frequently with self-loving choices and actions to keep our Spirit light-hearted and energized. 

So far, we have learned how to recognize our self love, by separating ourselves from the ego, we have learned to nourish the temple of the Spirit, to know what the Spirit loves, and to allow the Spirit to lead us every day by expressing gratitude for all that is.   
Now it is about finding the balance for your Spirit!

Look at your own accounting or ledger of life, start making some conscious choices on where you can replenish your Spirit.   Look at the key areas of your life where your energy is becoming depleted or drained.  Do you give your energy away without being replenished? Now you have to find a way to counterbalance these situations.  The answer is simple, knowing what your Spirit loves, naturally renews your Spirit.   
There is an energetic “overdraft” - very common for people who are beginning a Spiritual path.  The bank of the Universe will remind you when your account is in exceeding its overdraft, with the interest being unpleasantly present physically, mentally and emotionally.    

The soul does try to refresh your Spirit’s energy for you in some way.   Not likely to be without consequence.   When you examine life on an energetic level, objectively look over your own life experiences, you will notice your own Spirit’s unconscious attempts to rebalance your energy when you’re overextended.  It can show up in something as coincidental as getting a cold and becoming bedridden after pushing yourself to the limit or causing damage to body parts when overdoing some physical work. All accidents happen for a reason. 
 Rather than reach a crisis point that requires dramatic intervention on your Spirit’s part, it’s so much more self aware and self-loving of you to give yourself full freedom and permission to recuperate consciously – and plan to do so in advance.  Then your recovery is pain free, and self-love remains intact.

 Everyday life – especially that require change, even when positive – can deplete and tax us energetically, so we must be mindful of ways to replenish our energy if we are to be truly self loving.

If you were in the middle of a hot dessert, extremely thirsty, would you hesitate to stop and drink if you were near an oasis?  Well, that is what mediating is like for the Spirit:  It’s a cool refreshing drink at the wellspring of life, available to anyone, anywhere, anytime they’re willing to take their attention away from the scorching intensity of being part of the human ego condition. 

Meditation is refreshment, replenishment, and rejuvenation of the Spirit – it is a vacation for the ego and body as well.   When you meditate, your Spirit checks in with God, your Creator, who is the source for the fulfilment of all your needs. 

The beauty of meditation is that there’s no one right way to do it; there’s simply your way.  The ego mind discourages you from meditation by having you believe that it’s a near impossible yogi-like feat that’s only legitimate if you can silence your brain to the point of becoming nearly unconscious. 

How appealing is that?  Not very, which is why this is such an effective ploy to keep you from trying it.  Your Spirit knows better, Meditation is simply a walk with God.  You enter it through your imagination, and once there, you can accompany the Divine anywhere you want.  You can walk with God along a pristine sandy beach at sunrise; through a green, earthy forest and into a magical place; to a gorgeous mountain peak overlooking an ancient valley; or to a distant star.  Or you can simply invite God to join you in a fireside chat in your space. 

As you walk with God, imagine that you’re talking with Him.  Tell your Creator all that troubles your heart.  Unload everything, as God knows all anyway, so there’s no need to hold back or hide.  Take your time as your unburden yourself. Breathe gently, sharing all your concerns, then, after your have emptied your heart and there are no more words for the moment, continue the walk with God in silence.  Or if you’re enjoying a fireside chat, once you have released your burdens, just watch the fire with God.  Enjoy the silence and the scenery.  Replenish being close and connected to God.  As you walk, imagine that your Creator is lovingly embracing you.  Imagine being hugged by God.

It is possible that God may break the silence and advise you, just be okay with whatever unfolds. Just enjoy being in God’s loving vibration and healing presence.  Walk as long as you want, and when your Spirit is gull of God’s presence, return with God to the door of your imagination.  Thank your Creator for His presence and love, and step back through the door and into the present time.

That is it!! You have meditated.     

Go for a walk or sit with God everyday, because he restores and energizes your Spirit.   If you plan it everyday at the same time, God will know when you’re coming to see Him and will be waiting to welcome you with an open, loving embrace the moment you cross the threshold. Treasure your time in God’s presence.  Protect it and don’t allow your ego to distract you or steal away this time by making excuses; over booking your schedule; letting the outside world come first.

Don't forget my friends contact me if your interested in our Meditation group...

Monday night 6 to 7pm
Wednesday night 5 to 6pm

Call Mary for more information on 0417362535

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Get to Know more about your Spirit

Let us become familiar with our Spirit.     What does it like? What does it Love?
It is the part of you that is light, happy, creative, and kind…. The part of you that’s present, lives in the moment and laughs easily.  It is the aspect of your nature that is tolerant, forgiving, easy going, generous, enthusiastic  and confident.   

To help you recognize and get to know your Spirit more intimately, look over the following short list of other typical Spirit Characteristics to see which ones you relate to:

·         Solid
·         Consistent
·         Grounded
·         Calm Slow to react
·         Patient
·         Affectionate

Easy to be practical and solid in state of being.

·         Sensitive
·         Compassionate
·         Emphatic
·         Emotional
·         Nurturing
·         Encouraging
·         Moody

This Spirit tends to be of heart, can be very caring and nurturing.

·         Expressive
·         Assertive
·         Reactive
·         Decisive
·         Impulsive
·         Confident
·         Communicative

Very talkative Spirit, quick on their feet, great teachers.

·         Global in perspective
·         Objective
·         Curious
·         Resourceful
·         Inventive

These spirits see the bigger picture in all things, tend to be very wise and open minded. 

It is not unusual for a Spirit to have a combination of these Characteristics - that is you can be both an earthy and watery Spirit at the same time.  As Divine Beings, we draw from all aspects of conscious expression and often blend our Divine traits.  To deeply appreciate and understand your Spirit is to identify what you love.   What engages you so completely that you step away from all sense of time and space and simply enjoy the now?  What thrills, delights, consumes, mesmerizes and moves your?

Make a quick list of all the things you love and you’ll get a solid sense of your unique Spirit and how it best wants to express itself. 

These core loves, are the food and fuel of your Spirit – the things that strengthen and feed the authentic self.
Looking at your list - do your feel instantly happy and peaceful?   If so, you are connected to your Spirit and Divine Mind.

If you question your path, your truth and your purpose, begin your exploration with the list you just made.  It is the perfect place to find answers and direction because it reflects the authentic you in action.

The more you give your Spirit what it loves, the stronger and more embodied it becomes; and the more embodied the Spirit becomes, the less lost and out of control your feel.  A well nurtured, fully embodied Spirit quiets your nerves, insecure , self-sabotaging, fearful ego mind completely and moves you toward what makes you happy and fills you with light.

The more you work with your Spirit, allowing it to move in the direction of what you love, the more quickly you enter into a comfortable and grounded pattern of ease and confidence. 

You may have temporary relapses of ego and drift away from your Spirit, getting caught up in the trap of negativity and insecurity, but don’t become to concerned, remind yourself or engage in one thing your Spirit loves every day and you will get back on track.

You will be challenged by ego….

You may notice that as you get to know your Spirit, unfortunately, society which runs on a currency of ego, will challenge you because ego loves to share misery because it only feels misery.  So people who don’t know their Spirit, and don’t connect with their Spirit, fall under the ego’s spell and complain about everything in life.    If you don’t resonate with other people’ egos, those egos get quite annoyed with you as a ploy to intimidate you into being a party to their unhappiness

So beware of this potential ambush, and stay alert.  Don’t get intimidated into commiserating on an ego level with others as a way to be connected.  Be true to your Spirit, and don’t be embarrassed to feel good about yourself.  You may initially feel a bit out of sync with the world, in fact your are:  You’re  out of sync with the dominate energy of society, which is the gripping ego at its worst.  Stick with loving yourself and living your Spirit and be patient with others.    There are people resonating at a higher level of vibration, and if yours is consistently high, you’ll connect to them.  So, stay true to your Spirit and enjoy your peace, even if it’s unpopular.

Recognize assaults  or judgments of your happiness as attacks from the ego and laugh them off.  See such challenges as opportunities to show these very same people another way.  Their reaction may not be positive at first, but you’ll give them something to think about. 

Do not take someone else’s resistance to your joy personally.  Choosing self love challenges the collective paradigm of guilt and shame that has controlled us for thousands of years.  If we go the route of the ego, we’ll never feel worthy of self love.  If we choose to live our Spirit, we’ll be instantly liberated.  

Don't forget guys contact me if your interested in our Meditation group...

Monday night 6 to 7pm
Wednesday night 5 to 6pm

Call Mary for more information on 0417362535

Monday 2 April 2012

Welcome Your Spirit!

A miracle happens when you stop believing that you are your “ego self” and start connecting to you Spirit.

When you stop the “fear”, you feel the “love” because when you welcome your Spirit you align with Divine mind and become one with the Divine. The authentic self becomes aligned with all that is Divine… beauty, harmony, peace and all your inner desires.

Ego will challenge you…as it doesn’t want you to know your Spirit – it has power over you!

To claim your Spirit automatically displaces your ego and pushes it out of the job of running (ruining) your life.

To discern ego from Spirit is to check in with your vibes. When you connect with Spirit, you feel good, positive and have self loving vibes. When you connect with ego, you feel irritable, critical, depressed and tired.

Treat your Spirit as sacred – because it is! It is a holy part of your life.

Imagine your Spirit as a sacred guest taking up residence in your life. Surely, you would take care of it the same as you would for someone you loved. Imagine speaking to your Spirit, with kindness, love and affection.

Take proper care of your body as it your houses the Spirit. This means creating a loving, grounded and healthy home for your Spirit. Not to do so is disrespectful to your Spirit.  Your spirit can step out of your body if it becomes too toxic….because the vibration is too low. If the Spirit has vacated, there is no spark, no luminescence, with no light in the ones eyes. A dark emptiness as if no one is home.

Neglect is not the only reason the Spirit steps out of the body. Trauma, abuse, physical injury, self loathing, extreme anger or fear can dislodge the Spirit. When the Spirit steps out, it doesn’t go far; it simply moves outside the physical body yet remains connected by the silver cord above it. The Spirit remains energetically connected to you but are not embodied. This leaves you weak, and easily influenced by lower vibrations.

When your Spirit dislodges, the decision to correct the path you are walking re connects the Spirit back.

The minute you decide to welcome your Spirit, to place loving attention to it; give priority to it, treat it holy and sacred, you raise your vibration and the Spirit snaps back in.

Love your body.  To love yourself, you must love your body as well –it comes as a packaged deal. No matter what kind of body you ended up with, it’s the only one you have. Realize how important your physical self is to your life’s journey – not for the approval it wins from others, but for the service it provides your spirit. It’s your vessel, your means of experiencing life. So first, and foremost befriend your body from the inside out. Failure to do so will end with an illness whether it’s physical, mental or emotional. To not be concerned about how it looks; instead pay attention to how the body feels mentally, emotional and physically and its relationship with soul.

The body is a sensitive, vibrationally responsive vessel. Be conscious of what self talk there is in thoughts, be conscious of whom you interact with and how you interact. Be conscious of the life force in the food you feed the physical body, the temple of your spirit.

When well cared for and cherished, your body becomes your best intuitive feedback system. It can warn you of danger through a gut feeling, the hair on the back of your neck standing up, or chills running up and down your arms. It can also register excitement through warmth in your throat, butterflies in your stomach, or lightness of heart. It’s your best intuitive guide that will support you beyond where you’re going and towards the best possible circumstances at all times.

The more we love and care for our bodies, the more in tune we become with them. Welcome your spirit and invite it fully into your life.

With this new awareness, you will come to view your physical self as your faithful ally and friend and become happily grounded in your own skin.

A beautiful quote that seems fitting for this evening's blog ...

"You don't have a Soul. You are a Soul. You have a body." -

– C.S. Lewis

Remember beautiful friends that we have meditation classes, every Monday 6 to 7pm and every Wednesday 5 to 6pm. Just call me, Mary on 0417362535 or you can email me at