Contact Us

For further information about this blog, jewellery or meditations at the Spirit and Soul Language Learning Centre contact Mary D'Augello
Phone: 0417 036 535
The learning centre is located at 208 Allen St, Kyabram, Vic

For further information about Spirit Readings contact Lisa Weaver at Crystals and Candles
Phone: 0499 227 072
Crystals and Candles is located at 208 Allan Street, Kyabram, Vic
Readings can be completed at the store or by phone.

For further information about Reconnective Healing contact Mariette van Dooren
Phone: 0411 529 526
Healings can be held at the Spirit and Soul Language Learning Centre.

1 comment:

  1. Every time I get my pendulum crystal out and ask it a question something holds it dead still and it will not move. If I move the chain the crystal stays where it is. What should I do about this? Should I cleanse my crystal?


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