power can be more effective when there is an understanding of the conscious and
subconscious minds. Let’s define Personal Power as the ability to change direction or old
conditioning in your life.
The Subconscious mind – is our warehouse of stored information of all our
thoughts feelings emotions, imagining, habitual patterns, impulses and
desires. Programmed by
our parents, grandparents, peers and teachers all of which have left an impression
in our minds. This programming can
result as mental toxins, faulty thinking, and faulty beliefs. The subconscious mind has no reasoning,
therefore, stores both negative and positive habits. It continually attracts and repels things according to what
has been programmed into it. Eg. If you have the
subconscious belief that you will never have money – you won’t. If, your subconscious mind was
programmed to believe you will have, it will then attract these exact
opportunities and possibilities to you.
The Conscious mind – The key function is to be the programmer, protector, and
master of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is meant to be the servant of the conscious
mind. Most people not understanding
how these psychological laws operate, let their subconscious mind run
them. Hence, we become
it is changing a smoking habit to controlling an emotional reaction. How quickly and efficiently someone
changes a behavioural pattern is one way to measure their personal power. Note
that personal power is
not self discipline. The difference is the desire to change a negative habit. The stronger the desire the faster the
change. Eg. Some people change their negative
habits or behaviour when their lives crumble. When ones
Spirit has a desire to be in balance, it can overcome a lack of self discipline
and find the personal power to do so.
Are you familiar with that critical voice in your head, your subconscious, which feeds you that
negative ego. If we agree to
negative ego states, we effectively hypnotize ourselves into being a person
with little self discipline. We
use our will power to invest in the
belief that we have no personal power and no self discipline. This type of self
hypnosis is damaging to our emotional well being. The problem for many people
isn’t that they lack personal power and discipline, it is that they have
already invested in agreements about being powerless. One very effective method
of gaining personal will power is to refrain from agreeing with these
sabotaging thoughts that the voice in our head proposes.
The ability
to focus your attention, is a way to navigate through conflicting desires. You may have developed great discipline in focusing your
attention in some areas of your life, it doesn’t mean you have mastery in
focusing your attention in any situation. It’s like the person who is really
good at many things, and has become this way because they didn’t agree with the
consequences of failure, so in others words programmed not to fail, and yet
can’t find the discipline or personal power to meditate. Their mind has been
distracted in other areas through fear of failure, yet other areas of their
lives have been compromised. The gardener who plants the seeds is our conscious mind, (creating thoughts of
reason), the soil is the subconscious
mind, grows whatever kind of seed is planted, be it a weed or a beautiful
flower. The subconscious mind will store information and follow orders whether the orders are
rational or irrational. The
subconscious mind doesn’t care because it has absolutely no reasoning
This is why in meditation some find the
mind chatter busy with all kinds of thoughts that doesn’t allow the quiet. Then
the mind would provide judgmental commentary about thoughts that shouldn’t be
there. The problem here is lack of practice to focus attention to the ability to meditate.
If your desire is strong enough, you put the element of time on your side
instead of against you. One of the most effective ways to develop personal
power is to break energy-wasting habits that don’t serve you. Most people have
an extraordinary amount of personal power that they wake up with every day, but
they are expending it in their habits and exhaust themselves by the end of the
Very often,
people commit to make a change in their life yet they don’t have a reserve of
personal power to draw from. Because they haven’t gathered any personal power
to infuse in a new habit, their commitment to change doesn’t happen and they
often feel like failures. In order to be successful in making changes we will
first need to gain a reserve of personal power to draw from.
If you were
going to add going to the gym to your schedule then you would need to eliminate
something else from your schedule so that you would have the time available.
The same is true for personal power. As you gain a small degree of personal power, you can
use it to break other energy draining habits. Each energy draining habit that
you break will return back to you more personal power with which to break other
sabotaging habits. The more power you recover, the faster you will be able to
break other sabotaging habits in your life.
Imagine the conscious mind as an inner gate or inner
bubble that protects us from our own subconscious mind. When a thought or feeling or impulse
arises, it is the conscious mind’s task to use its powers of reasoning,
discernment and discrimination to check that thought at the gate. If the thought or impulse is positive
and spiritual, we let it into our mind. If it is negative, we push it out.
By pushing
the negative thoughts out of our minds, we are refusing them energy. For the gardeners – what happens when
you refuse a plant water, it withers and dies from the lack of attention and
focus. Once we push the negative
thought out, the second step is to affirm the opposite positive thought or
spiritual thought. This is called
positive thinking through positive affirmations. A new habit is formed. Remember we have a lot of old programming, therefore a
lot of focus and attention is required to make a new positive program.
It is also
essential to develop an outer bubble of protection from other people’s negative
energy. The ideal is for us to be
the programmer of the subconscious mind.
If we don’t take responsibility for our own programming and protection,
then the subconscious mind or other people will run our lives. The ideal is to be the cause, creator
and master of our own lives. If
these psychological laws aren’t clearly understood, then other people will be
our programmers.
I am the power, the master and the cause of
my attitudes, feelings emotions and behaviour.
I am powerful, whole and complete within
myself. I have preferences but not
I have perfect mastery and control over all
my energies in service of a loving spiritual purpose.
I am the master and director of my life, and
my subconscious mind is my friend and servant.
I am a centre of pure self consciousness and
will, with the ability to direct
my energies wherever I would have them go.
I am powerful and centred at all times and I
will allow nothing this external universe to know me off balance or off centre.
I am 100 percent invulnerable to other
people’s negative energy. Other
peoples negative energy slides of me like water off a duck’s back.
I am the cause of my feelings and emotions,
not other people. I will not give
them this power over me ever again.
Other people’s negative energy bounces off me
as if I were a rubber pillow.
The only effect other people’s negative
energy has on me is the effect I let it have. I choose not to be affected ever again.
No person, place or thing shall have power
over me. (Short and
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