Saturday, 2 March 2013

The Seven Universal Laws

There has been lots written about the “law of attraction”, like attracts like etc, but for  many may they still find that there is something missing. The truth is that there is something missing, in fact there are six other laws missing.

All seven laws must be understood and coordinated in order to truly work in alignment for inner peace and manifestation.
The application of the Seven Universal Laws in our daily life may be simple when understood. There is one great element that perhaps embraces all laws and that is energy. Under this one great element aligns the seven laws of the universe.

1. The Universal Law of Mentalism. "The All is Mind - The Universe is Mental".
Everything we see and experience in our physical world has its origin in the invisible, mental realm.
There is a single Universal Consciousness - the Universal Mind - from which all things manifest. All energy and matter at all levels is created by and is subordinate to the Omnipresent Universal Mind. Your mind is part of the Universal Mind.  

2. The Universal Law of Vibration  Everything that starts from a thought to an object is in a continuing state of vibration. For a fact, nothing rests. Small atoms of energy vibrate at various degrees of frequencies where if the frequency is very high, the vibration is concentrated and more powerful that can form various things. The most powerful type of energy is thought and thought pertains to things. Your awareness of these thoughts is what is known as feelings. Your thoughts manipulate the patterns of vibration you produce. Thus what you are attracting is inline with the objects you are vibrating. And with your thoughts you are able to attract positive and negative vibrations. So it is best to be careful of the things that you are thinking as they are able to materialise. Positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative.

3. The Universal Law of Relativity. All things in life come to existence because of association. The beautiful exists because of its association the ugly. Likewise, the good exist because of its comparison to the bad. In the beginning there is no such thing as good or bad, hot or cold or big or small. Everything comes into existence only when you put it into comparison, where contrast and association becomes obvious.

4. The Universal Law of Polarity. With the law of relativity comes the law of polarity where all things have an opposite: yin-yang, black or white, night or day, good or bad, success or failure. Therefore one can’t exist without the other where there wouldn’t be black if there is no white. There wouldn’t be bad if there were no good. Opposite poles always go together with no exemptions. It is always best to view what is good in a person in the same way that we view what is good in our life. This attracts good vibration and therefore good results come out of it. Compliment people with the good and let them feed on the positive thoughts from it.

5. The Universal Law of Rhythm. The Principle of Rhythm embodies the idea that in everything there is manifested a measured motion, a to and fro, a flow and inflow, a swing backward and forward, a pendulum-like movement. Everything that is in existence is dancing with a rhythm. When something moves back, something must move forward. Just like the sun comes after the rain or night follows the day and a smile comes after a tear. Life is full of rhythm and we all have to learn how to dance with it. You can be the best dancer when you are able to understand the rhythm of life.

6. The Universal Law of Cause and Effect. The events that occur in our life are a matter of cause and effect. Whatever you throw up (cause) must come down (effect), in the same manner that whatever you give out will come back to you. Whatever action you do, there comes a reaction. So watch your actions, good deeds are rewarded with good deeds, good words are rewarded the same way. So if you want to get something in return start planting a good deed and you will harvest plenty in the future. At present, you don’t have to think of what you can get but focus on what you are able to give.

7. The Universal Law of Gender. Creation is associated with the law of gender where as nothing is really created or ruined in the process. These things that appear new are results of changes. Changes do occur everyday consciously or unconsciously, and that relates to evolution. Change may be a result of adapting to the environment and other factors. One thing is for sure though, change has to happen and it goes through a gestation period to fulfill the changes. So if you sow today, be patient as everything has its own incubation period.

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