The solar plexus
chakra (also known as the personal power chakra) is located between the belly
button and the diaphragm, in the upper abdominal area. The colour that
represents this chakra is yellow. The sound that it resonates to is E, the
mantra RAM (pronounced rum).
The Solar Plexus
· Our
power, confidence, self -worth (sense of self), willpower and freedom.
This is the centre
where change and personal growth initiate. Here is where we use our power to
change the situations in our lives that need transformation. It is also where
we evaluate and understand the experiences in the world. We digest events,
people, emotions and feelings that arise in our lives through this energy
A Balanced Solar Plexus
When balanced you will
feel confident and will be experiencing your power by making peaceful
improvements for the earth and humanity. You will be able to say “no” to people
when you need to. Life will be supporting you and people will be respecting
your integrity and be responding to your charisma. You will feel at ease with
being able to be yourself, and be at ease with ‘just being”.
Excessive Solar Plexus
When this centre is
excessive you may be over aggressive, arrogant, workaholic, a perfectionist
and/or domineering. You may also find that you want to take control of
situations. To be highly competitive or even feel the need to be right all the
time is also a sign that this chakra is excessive.
Weak or Blocked Solar Plexus
The chakra is blocked
or weak when you allow others to have power over you. You find it difficult to
say ‘no’ and your self-esteem and self-confidence is low. You may also be
‘needy and attention seeking. This is where you will not find the energy to put
your ideas into practice because of the fear of criticism, self-doubt and poor
self-image. You may also lack will power and not be able to follow through with
things. A victim mentality and blaming those around you is also a trait of a
blocked Solar Plexus.
Fire is the element of this chakra.
The ‘Fire” in your
belly is what we associate with your drive and power. Fire is also
transformative by changing everything it touches. It is easy to understand the
traits of this chakra using the element of fire. A controlled fire burning with
the optimal amount of air and fuel burns with passion and beauty. It is magical
to watch, intriguing and difficult to take your eyes off, all traits of a
person with a balanced solar plexus. When the fire burns out of control, it is
strong, forceful, domineering, dangerous and threatening, (much like an
excessive chakra). When the fire burns weak it is hard to keep ignited, its
small, and even shows little potential to be the beauty that it could be, (like
a weak or blocked chakra).
Endocrine Gland - Pancreas
The solar plexus is
connected to the pancreas, which is the gland of the endocrine system. It is
the gland that assists with the digestion of your food. It releases enzymes to
breakdown the carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins in the food. It also secretes
a hormone to create insulin to control the blood sugar levels in the body. It
is a crucial gland for the function of a healthy body.
When the chakra is not
balanced and is left over time the following physical ailments can begin to
appear in the physical body such as: arthritis, pancreatitis, indigestion,
eating disorders, intestinal tumors, diabetes, liver disease, gall stones and
colon disease to name a few.
Balancing the Solar Plexus
· What a better
way to balance the solar plexus than to us the great big ball of fire in our
sky, the sun. If you can, spend 15
minutes sunbathing and soaking up the energy and power of the sun into the
solar plexus area.
· Wear the colour
yellow. It can be under your clothes
if you don’t normally wear yellow. Choose a yellow scarf or pair of socks to
wear for the day.
· Place your
hands in the solar plexus area and affirm to yourself powerful affirmations, such as…”I am a powerful
creator of peace and harmony in this world”…”I express my power with
peacefulness”…” I am using my power to make a difference”…”I am grateful for
the power of me”…”I am full of self-confidence.”
· Visualise the solar plexus being filled
with the colour yellow, then filling and surrounding your aura.
· Eat grains, corn, cereals and drink chamomile
Use the following crystals: Yellow Citrine, Topaz, Aventurine Quartz and Sunstone.
That is fantastic...its great to share.