Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Root Chakra

When you understand the role or the connection that this chakra has, we can start to get control of our lives and how to address the issues we are experiencing.

Root Chakra Basics
The root chakra is also known as the base chakra and is associated with the colour red. It is our life force. This chakra carries this life force energy, which comes from the earth and feeds through our bodies from the time of birth till the time of death. It is located at the base of the spine and is the densest chakra in which the energy of this chakra spins the slowest of all the chakras. It is the chakra that connects us to the earth and represents our physical vitality, grounding and our sense of belonging. It is the chakra that we get our strength from and the energy centre that controls our will to live and the quality of the life we live.

This chakra is related to your most basic needs including your survival, sense of security, home, job, and finances. The well being of this chakra can be directly related to our relationships in early childhood. The better the relationships we had at an early age allows the survival issues in later years to be better dealt with.

How Can I Tell If My Root Chakra is Working Well?
A clear root chakra leads us to feel grounded, safe, protected and stable. We experience high energy and vitality, and are able to make clear decisions about our everyday needs and responsibilities.  We not only survive but we thrive in our lives. We trust in the process of life by not stressing or worrying. We know and trust that we are in the unconditional love and support of the Divine.
Strengths: loyalty to self, assertiveness, courage, and a strong will to live.

How Can I Tell If It Is Blocked?
A blocked root chakra will be sluggish or not spinning at all. If this is the case we will feel insecure, helpless and lost. Our self-esteem will be low and we may engage in self-destructive behaviors’. We will be ungrounded and our day-to-day activities will be hard to coordinate and manage and our ability to focus on a task will be difficult. Any area of your life that is related to survival, such as your home, finances, food, and shelter, can feel threatened or unstable when this chakra is blocked.
Weaknesses: insecurity, self-pity, and lack of abundance or inability to retain wealth, indecisiveness. 

Root Chakra is Connected To Our Sense of Smell
Your sense of smell can trigger your stored emotional memories. Your receptors for your sense of smell are located in the emotional section at the back of the brain. As a young infant, this was the first sense to develop and is linked directly to the root chakra. Think of a time where you smelt a smell and it reminded you of your childhood. Did this immediately bring a smile to your face and a sense of comfort? You might also find that a certain smell will trigger the opposite reaction. Did it trigger fear, stress or anxiety? Be aware of these triggers. You can use this knowledge to link a smell to a safe and comforting time in your life to ground yourself.

Root Chakra Is Connected To Our Adrenal Glands
Each Chakra is connected to a specific gland in the endocrine system. The root chakra is specifically connected to your adrenal glands. A healthy dose of adrenaline allows our bodies to be invigorated with the required amount of energy being released into our system.  Our bodies also use this hormone to activate our basic survival instinct of flight and fight hormone.  This is activated in cases of extreme fear or high stress. It prepares our body for battle.

A healthy balanced adrenal gland will gives us the energy and vitality to move through our day. Be mindful of the situations that may cause heighten states of anxiety, fear or stress. Bring yourself back to center and breathe through the situation. Only when we take control of our bodies through conscious living, can we keep the pathway clear for Divine guidance to flow through our energetic system, to give us the direction and insight that we need to move forward.

The Importance of A Healthy Root Chakra.
We can live a life ungrounded and disconnected. We can ignore the physical body and its signs, but we cannot hide from the feelings and emotions that will envelop us when we are blocked in the root chakra.  We will not be able to look after ourselves or be selfless enough to take care of each other and our mother earth. When our root chakra is firmly connected to the earth and is clear, it will strengthen the charge of the energy that flows up to all the other chakras.  This chakra affects the efficiency of all the other chakras, as it is the source of our life force.

This is the key to a balanced root chakra. When we are grounded we invite the earths energy up into our bodies and the light from our soul down into the earth. The earth like our root chakra has been exposed to these lower denser energies for many thousands of years and like the human race it is time to for us all to heal and move into a higher state of awareness. Only when we clear the chakras from the root to the crown can we allow the love and light flow through our lives and to the earth. When grounded we will feel connected, safe, strong, secure and courageous. It is only then can we physically implement the will, ideas, creative influences and guidance coming in from the higher chakras.

Feet Chakra
I am just going to take a moment to mention this very important minor chakra in the feet, often called the zero chakra. The chakra in your feet is actually one chakra, but is split in two, half in the ball of each foot. This charka is the last energetic point where the energy is before it leaves your body. The root chakra converts the energy to slow it down so it is easier to send out of our bodies to the ground below. The energy flows down each leg and starts spinning at the feet as it slowly releases out of the body. If this chakra is blocked, the excess energy will pool and collect and travel back up the body and try to escape in another area. This can easily cause blocks in the root and sacral chakra.

Using the Senses to balance the Root Chakra Clear

Burn incense that is from a strong tree like cedar wood or sandalwood. Smell wood or cut grass

Eat root vegetables and meat
Connect to mother earth by walking barefoot on the grass or sit with your back against a tree. Dance to your favourite music or do some gardening.      

Listen to the sound of a singing bowl tuned to the note of C or repeat the           
             word LAM as a mantra.

Visualise the colour red filling your aura and stimulating the root Chakra. Wear the colour red.

Take the time to maintain this chakra each day so you feel connected to life and plugged in. Don’t wait till a problem arises before you address it. Make it a daily ritual just like it is for cleaning your teeth.

Saturday, 13 July 2013

The Power of Pure Intent.

POWER, PURE and INTENT! What do these very important words mean?

Power means – Your capacity to do something, your strength, your control and influence.
Pure means  - Free from contamination, complete and clear.
means – Your plan or purpose, your state of mind, your determination.

So when we put those words together we are saying, the power of intent is your
desire (focused energy) to bring about a particular result with a clear positive objective. Your motivation is the power behind the force that drives your intent.

When looking at our truth, who we are and who we want to be, examining our intention and the power we put behind our intention becomes crucial. When you are on the spiritual journey asking yourself these very basic questions helps you understand how to move closer to being in alignment with source energy, and that which moves you further away from source. When you connect to source it energies everyone around you and it changes the energy of this planet.

How Do Intentions lead me Closer to My Divine Self?

Intentions enable you to be in alignment with your spirit. When you choose pure intentions you walk a path each day to become a better version of yourself.  Living an illusion of having pure intent, (that is, acting like your intent is pure but not having matching positive feelings), will only lead to a path of resistance. Resistance is when your intent is not matching up with source energy. Source energy is everything that is good, feels good and is good. When you don’t match, then obstacles will start cluttering your path. Being in alignment with source allows everything you desire to happen.

Be Aware of Intentions In your Environments

Start looking at what the intention is behind every thing you expose yourself too. Is it a good intention? What is the intention of the things in your environment, the shows you watch on TV, the music you listen to, the books you read, your friends and loved ones? Choose things in your life that have good intentions. If the intention is not good than it will lower your energy.

How to Choose your Intentions?

For you to live a life with pure intentions you must choose the options that come to you that support your soul. When you have the intention to do something, ask yourself, is it out of love for yourself and for others, is it kind, is it truthful, is it creative and will it attract abundance to my life. Also question if it does allow you to see the expansiveness of who you are, and will it attract ideal people into your life.

A good time to set your intentions for the day is first thing when you wake in the morning. How do you want your day to flow? You might set the intention to be kind to everyone you encounter for that day. Or you may intend to stand still in your mind every few hours and "just be".
When you wake up tomorrow, what intentions will you set for your day?

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Our Souls Purpose Working With our Ego

Over the past few months we have spent some time doing the ground work to connect you all to “who we really are”. We have learnt the tools of grounding, protecting and meditating. We have learnt that we are energy and have sensed energy as well as identified our spirit and even touched on the seven universal laws. After practicing all these tools and accumulating this knowledge, we would like to now take time to help identify your true self and your life’s purpose without the distraction of the ego.

What Is The Ego?

Our Ego is our self-image; it is not our true self. It tries to pretend that it is our true self by labelling us, by defining and evaluating, judging and analysing. The ego has a job to do and that is to keep us safe. So it does this by trying to prevent us to try new ideas. The ego runs off limited beliefs and understandings, usually from what we picked up in our childhood. When the ego feels it is going to lose, it will fight and use any measure to keep you in the situation you are in. It will question you, doubt you, criticize you and judge you. The ego is very clever as it uses strategies and tactics to manipulate you. It makes you feel tired when your soul wants to start a new project. It wants to keep you stuck in your current reality to stop you progressing.
Many people are now questioning the ego and its use. It has served mankind for a few thousand years, but now the ego’s role is being questioned. Eckhart Tolle (Author of a New Earth and The Power of Now) believes that the ego has outlived its usefulness and now it needs to go. He says, “We are in the transition phase from one state of consciousness to another and the ego is beginning to dissolve”.

What Is Our Purpose?

Our purpose is not a position or profession but can be expressed in your work. Our purpose is when we are living our truth. At any given moment we are on the right path. There is no wrong way, just different paths to reach the top of the mountain. You know you are on the right path following your purpose when you are not putting yourself in the position of betraying yourself. It’s a place where you are not compromising who you are for anyone or anything. It all just feels right.
Caroline Myss, author of many spiritual books, explains that living your purpose doesn’t cost you anything. It doesn’t cost your power, it doesn’t cost you your soul, it’s not costing your psyche, you’re not confused, not drained and it’s when you are not losing yourself. And the reason why any of these things would be happening is because you are betraying yourself.

How Does Our Ego Interfere With Our Purpose?

It is important to understand that ego and our purpose can be very connected. When we struggle to move forward when we so desperately want too, we need to check in with what our ego is saying to us. The only way to move through our ego is too become self-aware. Be aware of our thoughts, our words, our behaviours and our feelings. Remember that when we move toward a new idea or goal, our ego will keep trying to keep us stuck. When we are stuck we cannot keep moving in the direction of our life’s purpose.

Working Together With Our Ego and Our Souls Purpose:

Many of us live our lives sometimes on the path of our purpose, and some of the time being controlled by our ego. As we shift to a new consciousness we need to learn to work with our ego so that we can continue to awaken. When you are living your true self you are not identifying yourself with any form, such as how big your house is, the car you drive, the job you do or the money you make.
To work with your ego in today’s world it might be a good idea if we treat it with respect. Acknowledge and thank it for the job it does to keep us safe. Thank it for a different point of view on your situation. Negotiate with you ego and work in partnership. When we try to do this, it will lead way to eliminate the fight that will eventuate between our true self and our ego if we move forward without consulting it.
Our spirit never demands to be or do something special. It only encourages us to be and do what we love. It’s not so much the action itself that makes something purposeful as it is the vibration that the action creates. If it creates a loving one, continue. If not, stop and re- examine what you are doing.
We are all gifted in our own right, part of the Divine contract. Only the ego puts value on these gifts, where in actual fact no gift is more important than any other. So whether you are a brilliant musician or a cleaner, no gift is any greater than your own. In the Divine mind, claiming, valuing and then sharing yours completely, without hesitation or interference from your ego, is one of the greatest and simplest secrets to loving yourself and living your spirit. What you love is your purpose.

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Tuning Into Your Spirit

Attending this class or reading this blog, you are finding a way to connect with your spirit. Some of you may be searching for some form of spirituality that resonates with you, or you may be struggling with some area of your life and have begun to question your beliefs. And for some, you may be expanding you own ascension to be closer to your spirit. Whatever the reason, know that you have listened to your spirit and you are connecting now at some level.

So what is your Spirit?

Your physical body is your temporary vehicle for your spirit whilst here on earth. You spirit is your eternal essence and it lives on forever as unconditional love and light of the divine. Our lives on earth are in a dense vibration and to live with connection to our spirit we have to choose to live consciously. When we connect with the divine unconditional love magic happens and we live Heaven on Earth.

How does our connection with spirit change our lives?

When we welcome our spirit into our daily lives we can begin to find peace in our heart and peace in our mind. We also start to listen to our inner values that help guide us in our daily interactions with ourselves, with others, the natural world and the contributions that we make to our communities. How we connect is very personal and different for everyone. Some people connect with their creativity in the arts or music, some connect in nature, whilst others connect in churches and faith based groups, to name a few.
When you connect with your spirit it can offer many benefits including being in a better mood, experiencing less anxiety and depression and reduced bouts of physical illness.

What blocks us from connecting with our spirit?

FEAR is the number one block to your spirit. Take a moment to think of all the things in your life that is driven by fear… Are you working at a job you hate because you are scared of change or less money or failure in a new career? Do you fear which foods to eat because they might cause cancer or give you a heart attack? Do you fear judgment from others, so in turn you are a people pleaser?
Fear is your ego telling you that you are not good enough.
Ask yourself this question…”If I am a part of the divine, if I am love, how can I be anything less than perfect?”
Each and every one of you are beautiful, are love, are joy and peace… you just need a chance to remember who you really are.

How can I tell if I am connected to my Spirit?

Remembering who you are automatically displaces your ego from running (ruining) your life. When trying to distinguish between your ego and spirit, just tune in with your vibes. If you feel good, happy, content and at peace then you can be assured that you are connecting with your spirit. If you are fearful, anxious, depressed, tired or self critical, ego is in control.

How do I nurture my spirit?

Our lives are very busy in today’s society and we are more than often plugged into the television, Internet and our jobs and less plugged in and connected to our inner selves. To nurture your spirit it is important for you to find out who you are and what you want in life. Find time to figure out what is really important to you. This can be done each day by:
·         Looking for the good in others and in situations around you. Focus on the positives.
·         Pay attention to your feelings and emotions and make decisions on what ‘feels good’.
·         Follow your passions.
·         Being joy, being you.
·         Listening to your intuition and trusting what you get.
·        Accepting and appreciating what each moment offers
·        Not judging yourself or others.
·        Spend time each day being mindful. Focus on the ‘now’ in order to see and feel the joy.

Is my physical body important when connecting to spirit?

Do you service your car? Change the tyres? Fill it up with fuel and give it a grease and oil change? Of course or it would not be able to get you from A to B.
Your body is a sacred vessel that houses your divine spirit.
Is that not the most important role a living vessel could have?
It is your very own temple. It houses your heart, which is your direct link to your spirit. Love it, honour it, and be grateful that it can do all the wonderful things it can do.
Your body is energy; it communicates with you and gives you signs and warnings when things are not right. Pay attention to how your body feels emotionally, mentally and physically. When you listen to your body and keep it well tuned and  it will become your best intuitive feedback system. Your body can give you signals when your emotions are not resonating with your true self. It will start to get sick when there is a build up of blocks or negativity in your energy system, letting you know that it needs clearing. It will validate your good judgments’ with excited feeling, or butterflies in your tummy. It will let you know when you need to get out of a situation by a feeling in your gut or chills running down your body. Your body will always lead you in the direction that is best for you.

In order to welcome your spirit into your life it is important to create a loving, grounded and healthy home for it to reside. Not to do so is disrespectful to your spirit. The more you tune into the body the more you can welcome spirit into your life.

Tuning into spirit will give your life a sense of purpose and meaning. It will help you focus on a force greater than this physical reality. It is also a way to help you understand suffering and a way to connect with others. But also it is a wonderful reminder of all the good in the world.

“To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.”  - BUDDHA