Wednesday, 19 June 2013

The Seven Universal Laws

What are the seven universal laws?

These are the laws by which everything in the universe is governed. The universal laws are also called the hermetic principals (teachings of Hermes Trimegistus) and date back thousands of years. All religions are founded on the hermetic principals and teachings. Once you understand these laws and live in alignment with these laws, you will begin to experience positive changes in every area of your life.

The application of the Seven Universal Laws in our daily life may be simple when understood. There is one great element that perhaps embraces all laws and that is energy. Under this one great element aligns the seven laws of the universe.

1. The Universal Law of Mentalism. (Immutable) – EVERYTHING WAS ONCE A THOUGHT.

The All is Mind - The Universe is Mental. The “ALL” can be considered as a universal, infinite, living mind. Everything we see and experience in our physical world has its origin in the invisible, mental realm. There is a single Universal Consciousness - the Universal Mind - from which all things manifest. All energy and matter at all levels is created by and is subordinate to the Omnipresent Universal Mind. Your mind is part of the Universal Mind. Your reality is a manifestation of your mind. 

2. The Universal Law of Vibration (Immutable)  - NOTHING IN THE UNIVERSE RESTS, EVERYTHING RESONATES AND HAS A VIBRATION (the law of attraction has its foundation in this law)

Everything that starts from a thought and forms into an object is in a continuing state of vibration. For a fact, nothing rests. Small atoms of energy vibrate at various degrees of frequencies.  This law helps us to understand the different dimensions. The higher the rate of vibration the less visible it is. Our bodies are vibrating at such a slow rate that it appears solid. Thoughts have a frequency and vibrate very quickly so are not easily seen unless you are gifted in clairvoyance. Your awareness of these thoughts is what is known as feelings. Your thoughts manipulate the patterns of vibration you produce. 

Therefore, what you are attracting is inline with the objects you are vibrating. With your thoughts you are able to attract positive and negative vibrations. So it is best to be careful of the things that you are thinking as they are able to materialize. Positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative. Energies can only harmonize with energies that vibrate at a similar frequency


All things in life come to existence because of association. The beautiful exists because of its association the ugly. Likewise, the good exists because of its comparison to the bad. In the beginning there is no such thing as good or bad, hot or cold or big or small. Everything comes into existence only when you put it into comparison, where contrast and association becomes obvious. You can use this law to your advantage or disadvantage. Take your job for example, if you are a first year apprentice cook and you compare yourself to Jamie Oliver, you would not feel very accomplished at your job. But if you use this law to compare it to where you were 2 years before hand, you will be self-congratulatory because of how far you have come. Nothing in life has any meaning except for the meaning we give it.

4. The Universal Law of Polarity. (Mutable) - EVERYTHING IS DUAL, EVERYTHING HAS AN OPPOSITE

With the law of relativity comes the law of polarity where all things have an opposite. Not only have they an opposite but they have an equal opposite, for example: yin-yang, black or white, night or day, good or bad, success or failure. One cannot exist without the other. There wouldn’t be black if there is no white. There wouldn’t be bad if there were no good. Opposite poles always go together with no exceptions. Therefore if something bad happened in your life then there would also have to be something good that comes from it.  It is always best to view what is good in a person in the same way that we view what is good in our life. This attracts good vibration and therefore good results come out of it. Compliment people with the good and let them feed on the positive thoughts from it. Remember that anything that happens in your life just is. You make it good or bad by looking at it positively or negatively.

5. The Universal Law of Rhythm. (Mutable) – EVERYTHING FLOWS

The Principle of Rhythm embodies the idea that in everything there is manifested a measured motion, a to and fro, a flow and inflow, a swing backward and forward, a pendulum-like movement. Everything that is in existence is dancing with a rhythm. When something moves back, something must move forward. Just like the sun comes after the rain or night flows into the day and a smile comes after a tear. Life is full of rhythm and we all have to learn how to dance with it. You can be the best dancer when you are able to understand the rhythm of life. “Go with the flow.” When you’re in a bad situation remember the pendulum is pushing you back in the backward flow, and it will swing in the positive direction soon. Keep this in sight and your mind focused on the upswing. The degree in which you want to drag yourself into the negative is up to you.


The events that occur in our life are a matter of cause and effect. Whatever you throw up (cause) must come down (effect), in the same manner that whatever you give out will come back to you. Think of this law as the boomerang, whatever you throw out will come back. So watch your actions, good deeds are rewarded with good deeds, good words are rewarded the same way. So if you want to get something in return start planting a good deed and you will harvest plenty in the future. At present, you don’t have to think of what you can get but focus on what you are able to give.


This law states that there is female and male in every living creation. Ying and yang is the perfect balance of the feminine and masculine energies. The male and female energies are very different to one another. The male is focused, logical, statistical, orderly and mathematical. Where the female energy generates new thoughts, concepts and ideas, is intuitive, imaginative and creative, gentle and reflective.

If we allowed ourselves to be ruled by masculine energies then we would act without restraint, order or reason, resulting in chaos. On the other hand if we were ruled by feminine energy than we would constantly reflect and fail to do anything resulting in stagnation. When these two energies work together it creates balance and harmony and breeds success.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Peace of Mind through Living, Learning and Growing

What is the meaning of Life?
What is my purpose?
What is God?
What is reality?
Why am I here?
How did I get here?
Who and What am I?
What will happen when I die?
How can I experience abundance in the areas of health, wealth and happiness?

Have you spent time pondering these questions? Do you remember the questions you asked yourself before you walked into your first meditation class? If you have been coming to class a long time then ask yourself what other answers am I searching for?

Why ask these Questions?

All of us on the spiritual journey ask ourselves these questions and many more, because we know on some level that we are more than this body, this job, this family, this lifestyle. We all come together in this class because we are all searching to understand the fundamentals of who we really are. We are hoping to continue to lead you on a journey of discovery by introducing to you spiritual teachings, scientific discoveries and understandings and universal laws.

Can the study of Metaphysics lead to realization and awareness of what I am searching for?
Metaphysics is defined as the branch of philosophy that examines the true nature of reality,
whether visible or invisible. Metaphysics includes the relationship between mind and matter,
substance and attribute, and, fact and value. Basically, metaphysics is the philosophical
study of being and knowing. It is very closely related to spirituality, but it is not a religion.
This resonates with a lot of people because most people use their 6th sense, some more than others, and we know that there is a large portion of reality that plays in our life that is invisible. Metaphysics has an infinite array of possible answers to our questions that help address our inner curiosity or inner knowing that there is something greater at play.

Where Do I Start?

When asking the basic questions, like, “who am I?” it is common for people to explore these questions for most of their lives. As they learn, they grow and develop a deeper understanding with each new discovery, journeying to a life of inner peace, acceptance and knowing. No one can answer these very important questions for you.

All that you are searching for to make sense of your life is already within you now. You are, have been, and always will be connected to the infinite source, or God. Your quest to find answers and information is a way to remind yourself of something that you already know.

Our connection to source means we have infinite intelligence and wisdom.

An important reminder:

  • When learning, be open to new ideas and possibilities. It might not make sense now, but as you grow and learn more it can make sense later when you understand a bigger picture.
  • If something resonates with you, then keep it and explore it further. Always let your heart guide you. You heart is your connection to source. If something we teach does not resonate with you, then forget it, and move on. You must only explore information that resonates with you and your intuition.
  •  As a child in our first 7 years our mind is an empty vessel that downloads everything it see, hears, and feels. It is like a tape recorder. Then later in life this is the program that runs our subconscious mind. These thoughts are not your thoughts or beliefs. Most of us are living a life on beliefs that may not be our own and might not be working out for us. This is why we are often struggling with the questions of “who are we?” Let your heart guide you. Take time to stop and feel from your heart space.
  • Your life can move in a balanced and centered way when you take time to learn about who we really are, not what we think our reality is. You are responsible for your own life through learning, growing and living to find your inner peace. Learn and grow from the obstacles and challenges that are put in front of you.
  • Ask the questions,
                “Why did that happen to me?”
                “What can I learn from that experience or that person?”
                “What did that experience teach me about who I really am?”
                “Am I listening to my heart or my head?” 

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Sensing Subtle Energy

Subtle energy is the life force energy field of a living thing that most people cannot see with the naked eye. All humans are all able to sense this energy. We are not going to teach you how to sense energy because you already do it all the time. We would like to use this time to remind you how to pay attention to it. It is so natural that most of the time we do not really think about how we actually do it.

Take a moment to remind yourself of a time that you have sensed energy without really paying attention to what you were doing.      
Some examples include -

  • Walking into a room and feel that you could cut the air with a knife.
  • Sitting in a cafĂ© and know who will accept a conversation from you and who won’t.
  • Sensing the mood of a friend before they speak.
  • Knowing that someone is staring at you from across the room.
  • Walking through a lush green beautiful park and sensing the ambience of the setting.
  • Walking in a shop and staying to look around or shooting straight back out the door again because of how it feels.

Think about how you know you are able to sense this? Do you know? 

The truth is we don’t really know, it is just a knowing, a feeling. Energy of this nature is subtle and we just incorporate it into our general understanding of the world. If we paid more attention to the energy around us we would be able to understand our world and ourselves better? So lets look at a few exercises that we can practice to make ourselves more aware of the ‘feeling’ of energy.  

Remember that the energy that we are sensing is subtle energy so don’t expect to feel a big push or force of energy. Be patient and aware of subtle differences in the energy field. 

Sensing Energy in our Bodies

To start, focus all your attention on your right hand until you feel the tingling, bubbling, or heat sensation in your hand. Keep focusing until you feel this energy. Then change your attention to your foot. Do the same, focus your attention till you feel the tingling. It amazing. By just focusing your attention you can feel it.

In the palm of our hands we have two energy centres. These are for giving and receiving energy.  Begin by shaking your hands vigorously then rubbing them together vigorously. Repeat this 3 times. Then hold you hands facing each other about 10 cms apart and feel the subtle presence. You may feel a tingling, a heat or coolness, bubbling type energy or maybe even a pressure. How you feel it is very individual to you. Practice this several times if you need to.

If you are comfortable ask a person near you if you can feel the energy from their body. Start by holding both palms towards the persons back about 10cm’s away. Move your hands back and forth to see if you can pick up their energy field. Ask other people nearby to feel their energy and see if you can compare the subtle differences between the energies. Always ask permission to engage with someone’s energy. Much information is stored in your aura and it can be an invasion of someone’s privacy.

Sensing the Energy of Plants                                                           

To sense the energy from a plant we are going to use the same techniques. Hold your hands 15 cm away. When practicing it is best to work with a plant, the same plant, each day for several days until you can confidently begin to notice its energy. Then you can try different plants as each plant and tree carries different energies. See if you can begin to notice the different energies of the different plants. You can also try this with trees as trees have a very strong life force. You can practice feeling the energy of the tree from 15cm to 1 metre away. While you are at it, try giving the tree a big hug and ask it for some healing for yourself. You will be surprised with how you feel afterward. 

Sensing the Energy of Crystals 

Crystals have amazing energy. But when you first start working with them you may not be able to feel it. But the really cool thing about crystals is that they speak to you in many ways. If you need a crystal it finds someway to fall into your life. There is often a good reason why different crystals come into your life at certain times. You might also find that you crystals get lost or misplaced. This is also a their way of communicating with you or their way of finding a way to be with another person. 

Here are a few ways you can begin to feel the energy of a crystal.

I find the easiest way is to have a crystal with a point. Hold the base of the crystal in one hand and direct the point of the crystal into the palm of your other hand. Pay attention to how your palm feels. Can you notice a tingling sensation? Can you feel pins and needles, or maybe even a coolness or heat?

Try slowly waving you hand over a larger crystal. See if you can feel the energy. Don’t worry if you can’t as you may communicate with it in a different way. 

Try holding the crystal and pay attention to how this crystal makes you feel. Do you feel peace, clarity, alertness, joy, anger or negativity?  If you feel yucky or uncomfortable holding this crystal this does not mean that the crystal is “bad”. It just means that it is bringing up something inside you that needs to be healed or released. 

The beautiful energies of crystals work differently for different people. If you would really like to discover crystals there is a great strategy that Hibiscus Moon (Author of Crystal Grids) recommends to try:

For three days do not wear or carry any crystals. At the end of each day journal everything about your day from your work place, family matters, dreams, sleep, interactions, diet and general feelings. On the fourth day carry one crystal all day and night with you for 3 days. Again document your days, noting your feeling, emotions, interactions, meditations dreams, and sleep e.t.c… 

What changes have you noticed? Repeat with different crystals or new crystals that you acquire. This way you will be able to determine how the crystal energies work with your energy and how they can assist in your life on a really personal level.

Have fun with energy. Incorporate exploring with it in every aspect of your day. Practice feeling it and noticing when you use it on a subconscious level. Enjoy the adventure.


Energy is everything and everything is energy. In fact, energy is all that is. It exists in all matter, living or not. It doesn’t matter if an object is living or dead, big or small, it is all energy. Energy cannot disappear. You cannot eliminate energy. As Einstein said, “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.”

Vibrating Energy

One of our universal laws is that everything vibrates. Nothing rests. Everything moves at one frequency or another. Even looking at cells at a subatomic level, we can see that it is moving, vibrating energy. Everything is pure energy. We see ourselves different from everything around us, even separate from the things around us. But we are not. We are all the same, made up of energy. It is just that everything vibrates at different frequencies and it appears different in different forms. 

We are not separate from the trees or the animals, tables, houses, flowers or even other people. We are all the same and all connected by the universal cosmic energy of the universe. If you recognize yourself as separate from everything then you have no power – you are disconnected from all that is. But if you can see that we are all part of the same then you have the power of the cosmic universe, the life force of the whole universe flowing through you. Making us a growing consciousness, where we are expanding and evolving.

Energy and our Body

As you all know, our bodies are energy. Our body works using electrical energy. All cells in our body store and emit electricity.  It uses this energy to move, digest, to work our muscles and organs. Our body also has electromagnetic fields. These include, Meridians (body energy pathways), Chakras (body energy centres) and Aura (energy atmosphere). Our energy flow affects how we feel, how we think, and our health. But when our body’s life force is blocked, an imbalance can occur. If not addressed it can form as a physical illness.

Thought Energy

Our body uses electromagnetic impulses energy when we have thoughts, emotions and feelings. This then means that even our thoughts have a measured amount of energy. Going back to the understanding that everything is energy.  It penetrates all form and space. Our thoughts create our reality.

Understanding this allows us to have so much control over our lives. If thought is energy and energy is vibration than that means that we can choose to vibrate a higher or lower frequency. The higher the frequency the closer we come to living as our true selves. Remember when you channel your energy with your mind or your body you are the energy of the total universe and therefore you have the power of the total universe within you.

How do I visualize something I cannot see?

Think of energy as a water droplet dropping into the ocean. It causes a ripple effect and the energy of the motion moves out through the water. See the water moving to accommodate this burst of energy.

Now imagine your words or thoughts doing the same … rippling out into the universe … towards another person. That thought is now energy and the universe accommodates it. It cannot determine if it is good or bad, it just is. But when this energy hits something that does not have the same frequency then it can cause a block as the energy can be trapped.

Viewed under a microscope, you can visualize how much power you have? You can use your created energy to affect everything around you. For a visual example, here is a picture of the affects of words on water crystals.


How can I use your energy in a positive way?

*  Send love to those in need but more importantly, be love.

*  Use positive affirmations to improve different aspects of your life.

*  Cook your food with love and appreciation. Bless it and be grateful.

*  Send healing energy to friends, family and strangers when needed.

*  Listen to music that causes a positive reaction in you to lift your spirits

*  Meditate, do yoga, creative write or practice gratitude.

* Live in the present moment.

Simply be positive. It helps to release and dissolve negativity. Positivity is contagious and it’s the sort of energy that you may want to be surrounded by.