Saturday, 29 September 2012

Karma Clearing

“Karma”  comes from the Sanskrit word which simply means “action”.  Simply put, the Law of Karma – also known as the Law of cause and effect – is a concept that, for every action there is an opposite and equal re-action.

On a soul level, by choosing to be in this class you have chosen to evolve which opens you to accept your soul’s karmic consequences of not just your present, but also that of your ancestors, the connections you have in alignment to other souls.

When we talk about the affects and effects of karma, we are usually referring to the individual karma each one of us has created through the passage of time and our many re-births. However, this – the personal karma – is not what only affects and influences someone’s life and path.  There are numerous group karmic connections we all are involved with, like multiple circles, of different combinations and of sizes, one inside the other or part of the other, creating a very complicated design with even more complicated creations and influences.
For example, there is the ancestral / family karma, the same country karma, the same culture karma, the same continent karma, the same civilization karma, the same religion karma, the same belief system karma, the same football team karma, the same karma of being in the same airplane flight and so on.

From all those karmic groups, the family / ancestral karma is one of the closest to us in terms of impact on our existence and living and the most influential one. The family karma affects can be found not only as imprints in one’s personality traits, belief systems, lifestyle but also within the mental body, the emotional body and the physical body; within one’s DNA.

Based on this thinking, it seems that ancestral karma is pretty much part of us, pretty much attached and something that we cannot so easily be disassociated from.

I’m not talking here about the spiritual family we belong to as souls – this is a completely different story – but of the physical family we chose to be born into. 
Although it might be that this is our first encounter with these individuals on a soul level, our physical relation and their physical relation to a physical relation of the many ancestors of that same family is carried forward within our DNA.

I, like others, have found that low point. This is when decided to awaken to my spiritual path.  One of the early things was that l was drawn to discover was my own heritage. Whilst in Italy, (even though at the time I wasn’t aware of what was unfolding) I discovered many things about my background that tie in with who I am right now. 

Another interesting point (as I chose to be born into a migrant family, raised without knowing my grandparents or any other relatives) my experiences were more in alignment with the Australian culture and I never had the opportunity to really understand my Italian cultural roots.  My parents were strict but loving parents who carried their own fears and beliefs and didn’t go down the path of supersititions.

I did hear around the traps a term called the “Mal Occhio” which means the “Evil Eye”.   It was never something my parents spoke about.  As it turns out, my heritage was there, but I through unconscious fear, I was oblivious to it. Through the different people in my karmic circle, including new family, especially of late, karma eventually catches up.

The nuts and bolts of this “Mal Occhio” is that it is similar to what work I do in terms of “Multi Deminsional Clearings”  therefore it is something that I have reacquainted on my own which ties in with business from another passage in time.  The process Itself is about detaching, disassociating, cutting off, releasing any negative bonds that deprive someone from moving forward in spiritual and worldly terms.  Ancient Italian witchcraft is what it is, a tool used to do all of the above. 

I also want to make clear, that the request is for the negative influences to be released, as there are also positive influences from the same ancestral connection which we should still keep.

When we look deep enough we find out the issues we carry as individuals in our energetic bodies and physical DNA from our own ancestors – sometimes many generations back. These can be limiting beliefs, habits, repetitive scenarios, ways of thinking and acting which do not serve the person’s greatest and highest good in this present birth or traumatic experiences with unfavourable consequences to one’s life. These aspects often are carried forward to future generations and can manifest similar experiences, limitations to progress and even ill health. Clearing these aspects from one’s etheric DNA does not only bring benefit to the person but it also affects positively the whole family line – our ancestors and especially our children and the future generations.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Flower Psychometry

How can you not appreciate flowers? I  for one, just love flowers, all colours, all types. I see so much beauty in flowers and they really do speak to you.  I also appreciate the medicinal value of plants and flowers, but did you know that the flowers you are attracted to actually a reflection of your own energy?

In other words, flower psychometry, as the name suggests, links flowers to our psyche which we can use to mirror our state of health and identify aspects within our being which are out of balance. A 'chosen' flower can be used to provide insight to our health and personal problems.

Looking at a flower can be the same as holding up a mirror to your soul in which you can see your life more clearly. Your personal flower will reveal your state of being at that time and help you learn to appreciate your own individual beauty and talents.

A major part of modern flower psychometry entails finding your personal flower which can impart deeper understanding of both the problem and the remedy. The habitat and growth pattern of the flower as well as its shape, aroma and colouring contains personal information about you and holds the exact pattern of energy you need. It is the fact that flowers radiate light and aroma vibrations that gives them this ability to heal.
Good health can be viewed as a balance of energy between different parts of our being, and when the vibrations in our physical, mental and spiritual bodies are in alignment, we experience good physical health, vitality, and lead a full and happy life.

This fine energy balance can however be disturbed by outside conditions such as environmental pollution and internal imbalances, including a poor diet, lack of sleep, negative thoughts and repressed emotions. If stress is maintained for a long period, our physical body drains energy from our subtle bodies, with the result we may feel tired, moody and depressed. Unlike physical medicines, the fine vibrations of colour and aroma held within flowers are able to penetrate to the more subtle areas of our being, bringing into alignment energy in the different parts. In the physical body every cell is receptive to light energy, and when a colour frequency is received it will affect the growth and behaviour of the cell. This means that the colour wave-lengths affect the very core of our being, even our DNA patterns.

Plants can be viewed as a microcosm – a reflection of the outside world. As the human organism is composed of a mass of moving energy particles of light, sound and electrical energy, we are instinctively attracted to the flowers whose vibrational energy is similar to our own. In the past it was thought that the plant mimicked the organ or illness that it could heal, so that the lungwort leaves resembled the lungs, while walnuts look like the two halves of the brain.

Dr Edward Bach (1886–1936), an exponent of this theory, developed the idea that we will naturally become attracted to a flower which mirrors a discordant state of mind. He believed that the flower also contained the energy pattern we require to regain harmony between the ego and soul.

Flower and Colour Charged Essences

When you have picked a flower for a flower psychometry reading it is possible to enjoy its beauty for a short time until it withers and dies, but we can turn flower and colour vibrations into potentized remedies.
One of the most effective ways of preserving your healing flower vibrations is by creating a flower essence. This is a simple method which transfers energy patterns into water, can be kept for a long period of time and can be used as a healing remedy. Flower essences are often described as liquid consciousness as the life-force vibration is held in a form which can influence and benefit a person's life. Sunlight is essential for making flower essences, for it is the action of the sunlight on water that transfers the energy pattern of the flower into the liquid.

While the vibrational energy patterns of flowers can be captured in flower essences, water also provides a perfect medium for holding electro-magnetic energy of specific colour vibrations. One can create a colour essence in much the same way as a flower essence, by placing a specially designed colour filter over a bowl of pure water. The filter allows only a particular wave-length of light to pass through. Sunlight is the catalyst causing energy transfer from one medium to another.  Colour essences can be used for a whole range of problems. Blue essence makes a cooling gargle with antiseptic qualities, while yellow essence helps dispel fear and stimulates the digestive system.

Ideally flower essences should be made directly from your chosen flower, but you can also select appropriate flower remedies from a manufactured range. It is very helpful when selecting flower essences from the thousands of remedies available to use colour as your guide. For example, red flowers will have a stimulating effect on your energy levels, circulation, and sexual functions. On an emotional and mental level, red flowers will contain grounding and motivating energy.

Many plant remedies are yellow-green in colour and these work on the digestive system, strengthening assimilation and elimination processes. Colour-charged essences of these colours will also help de-congest blocked energy in the liver, pancreas and gall-bladder. Emotionally and mentally, yellow flowers can help address issues related to the ego, self-confidence and mental alertness. Shorter wave-lengths of blue and violet will have calming and sedating qualities.

Disconnected from nature, we are choose to be in a  highly complex world where we are searching in the wrong place and are overlooking the solutions which can be found in the most pure and simple creative force – light. It is in the flower that both the scientific and spiritual qualities of this natural resource are brought together.
The healing energy in yellow daises promotes clarity of mind and the ability to absorb information. As daisies resemble eyes,
they are often made into remedies for the treatment of sore and strained eyes

Case Study 1

Flower Chosen: A fiery red and yellow snapdragon from a tall spike.
Martha is a middle-aged woman who was suffering from pain in her jaw just in front of her left ear. She had been to an osteopath and had the doctor check her ear for infections but neither of these treatments had found the source of her problem or alleviated the symptoms.
Reading: Martha was attracted to a red and yellow snapdragon. As the name suggests, the life-theme of this flower reflects someone who is snappy and angry. Red is associated with anger and yellow with the 'ego' and so this flower shows someone who finds it difficult to express their feelings and who may be in conflict with another person.
Treatment: After taking the Snapdragon flower essence for a week with no change, one morning Martha woke up with the realization that she was holding a deep-seated anger towards her mother. She was encouraged to talk about these feelings and within a few days her painful jaw eased.

Case Study 2

Flower Chosen: Bill chose a small white daisy growing in a wall in the sun.
Bill was born in Australia and has just joined his partner Jane who lives in the UK. Bill misses the sunshine and his love of sailing, especially as they now live in a city far from the sea. Recently Bill has been suffering from a spastic colon (irritable bowel syndrome), which can be very painful and debilitating.
Reading: The life-theme of the daisy family is one of innocence and the inner child. Here is someone who is wanting to recapture the freedom and joys of childhood without adult responsibility. The daisy was growing in a wall which was a metaphor suggesting that the circumstances in which this person finds themselves are difficult. However, as the flower was thriving in a sunny position this suggests they have inner resilience and the ability to find success and happiness even in these circumstances. For Bill the daisy reflects the problem of adjusting to his new life, but it brings a message of hope that he has the support so he can find a place to blossom and grow.
Treatment: Bill was given hot infusions of daisy-like chamomile flowers to which a few drops of yellow essence were added to drink twice a day. After a week, he reported that the bouts of pain were not occurring as frequently, but that his spirits were still low. He had found a large poster of a field of daisies which he hung on his wall and used this as a focus whenever he felt depressed. After a month Bill said he felt much more relaxed and his physical symptoms were much improved. He was now involved in a local children's charity.

Case Study 3

June is in her forties and recently her GP discovered a lump in her breast. She had the lump removed, and although this turned out to be benign, June is worried that this problem may recur and take a more serious form. June is a single mother who works from home designing children's clothing.
Flower Chosen: June chose a pink climbing rose from a hedgerow. The plant was intertwined amongst blackberries so it was very thorny and difficult to reach.
Reading: Roses have the life theme of love and sacrifice through emotional suffering. This rose was growing wild and freely, showing a freedom of spirit and the ability to create a strong life of her own through connection with like minded souls. The pale pink of this rose shows someone who is sensitive and loving and who needs to be accepted for who they are and not to have to conform to anybody else's idea of who they should be.
In the case of June, the flower reflects her creative and at times difficult path to fulfilling her dreams. She is a loving mother who has the determination to succeed. Her thorns, like the rose, protect her delicate centre, and perhaps she needs to see that others find her hard to approach as she has such high ideals. The lesson for June is to relax more and let down some of her defences, so she can allow love to flow. If she doesn't hold on so tightly for fear of losing what she has, the crystallized energy in her breast can be released for good.
Treatment: June not only took essence made from her rose, we also made a massage oil from Rose absolute and essential oil of palmarosa which she rubbed on her wound. The effect of the essence was almost immediate for June, and she said that she intuitively knew this problem would not occur again. She used the massage oil regularly and found that her scar healed exceptionally quickly. It is now three years since June was treated and she is in good health and she has developed a loving relationship with a man with who shares her creative interest.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Pendulum Basics

I personally love pendulums and have always been attracted to them.  I have been told many times in readings that in a past life, that I was an agricultural dowser in Ancient Egypt. That would explain my attraction to them.

It is an art that has survived to the present day and is becoming more popular than ever, due to the accuracy and ease of use which enables up to 90% of people to successfully employ this method of gaining knowledge and information in their everyday lives.  All you need is trust, integrity and a willingness to try.  

A “crystal” pendulum is a powerful tool as it is an amplifier of energy. Other items will work too, but to begin with a “crystal” pendulum is more responsive. The pendulum swings through the use of the parasympathetic nerve system, known as the automatic organs of the subconscious mind. These are the same muscles which direct the involuntary actions of the body, such as respiration, digestion and heart beat. 

The long and short of it is that this is energy work, and it needs to be of the highest integrity.  There needs to be protection and pure intent. You do not tap into what is not of your concern (other peoples business that does not have a thing to do with you).  The Karma will be inaccurate answers. 

Another important note is that it has nothing to do with any “Spiritual Movement or New Age”.  This knowledge dates back many thousands of years and involves every ancient civilization.  To this present day, in many countries, doctors used this tool to assist them in diagnosis of patients.  My own vet, pulled it out when checking a diagnosis on our cat.   The Army, Navy and even Shell Mobil employ professional dowsers to locate water, oil precious metals, minerals and underground storage and ammunition dumps. One professional dowser was able to locate every American and Russian nuclear submarine with 100% accuracy, whilst sitting at the Pentagon with detailed maps. 

It is important to understand that the pendulum is not actually communicating, but simply acting as an amplifier for a type of frequency which we cannot normally access, and the pendulum is simply translating this into a visual signal.  It is thought that this frequency is actually emanating from your Higher Self, or Universal Knowledge.  Most importantly, it is a tool to be used wisely and a tool to be respected. 

How to choose and tune the Pendulum 

Working with a pendulum is about quests, your quests – seeking to find truth, or to clear energy or measure doses. All practical and common uses of the pendulum.

Beginners find it easy to dowse with a long chain and with practise you can dowse with shorter length. Note the conditions of where you dowse, if outdoors, the weight needs to be heavier rather than lighter.  Choose the one that resonates with your personal energy.  Then, bond with the tool by inviting it into your energy field or psyche. 
Say – “I the owner of the Pendulum, declare that only the Force for Good can respond to my quests when using this Pendulum or any other Dowsing tool; I promise to use my Pendulum only for Good.” Or  “ I ask for the highest and these best source to give me true and clear answers to the questions I seek answered with no harm to anyone”.

It is important to realize and remember that using your Pendulum is not a game, but a means of helping your conscious self to work closely with the Force of Good – your Spirit Guides can help by acting as your ‘Gatekeeper”  as you link to the spirit world.  It may connect you to other souls, and may give you access to Universal Knowledge.

You should be in a state of serious focus when using your Pendulum.  This means being really sincere and honest, concentrating on what you are saying and thinking only good thoughts.  Place you conscious awareness at the third eye level, you may feel yourself expand and your mind chatter will usually lesson.  

To become proficient you may ask for permission to practice on silly things like playing cards or asking questions – but with no harm to anyone. For some people, the pendulum works quickly, accurately and in no time at all.  For others it does require practise. 

Many answers can be obtained by using a pendulum, providing they are not “open” questions and are easily answered with a “yes” or “no”.

First you have to determine what each pendulum movement means for you. Always have your feet firm on the floor (grounding is required),  hold the pendulum by the end of the chain between you thumb and index finger.  Make sure that your upper body and back are straight, enabling the energy to flow freely. Relax, and for accurate answers have your guard up and mind focused.

The pendulum generally moves in four directions, up-down, left-right or in an anti clockwise circle or clockwise circle.   Once you have a yes or no, then ask for a “Can’t answer or don’t know” or “I don’t know what to say” (sometimes we may need to rephrase the question or the question shouldn’t be asked now).  Practice often so the connection becomes stronger.   Once you have determined your directions, test it to questions you already know the answer. 

Remember:  Einstein’s famous equation, E + MC² equates energy and matter.  All living things are a mixture of energy and matter.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Recommended Crystals for your Healing Kit

With so many crystals available, in fact hundreds, it is a great idea to have specific ones on hand that cover the majority of situations.

Many people opt to go for a chakra set, or are familiar with the chakra sets, but let us extend beyond the main chakras. The chakra sets (usually a pack of 7) consist of a stone of a specific colour that corresponds to the colour associated to each chakra. Something like a clear quartz for the crown, an amethyst for the third eye, a blue crystal such as blue lace agate for the throat, rose quartz or something green for the heart, citrine or something yellow for the solar plexus, and an orange calcite or carnelian for the sacral and maybe jasper or a agate for the root chakra. These vary from pack to pack, but generally it is the frequency of the colour that matches the chakra. 

Let me suggest the most important stones to have in a healing kit and I will then explain what they are about. To begin creating you healing kit start with  Clear Quartz, Kyanite, Selenite, Seraphinite, Sugilite, Smoky Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Larimar, Lepidolite and Calcite

The availability varies as does the price, but Crystal and Candles has a great range, and if currently out of stock, I know we can get any of these particular crystals in.  

Clear Quartz because it is the most versatile, it is pure white light containing all the other colours within it. Its nature is to store and amplify energy, so you can programme it to work with your intent (in this case, healing).

Kyanite accesses your etheric bodies, aligning them without you having do anything except keeping it close by, taking you from being everywhere to centred. It effortlessly snaps all of your aspects into place so you can swiftly integrate and get back to your life.

Selenite is like a column of white light that flows through your energetic bodies in both directions. It works right down to the cellular level, releasing blocks within your aura allowing the body to heal, plus placing other stones on it recharges them.

Seraphinite is great for purifying your body, meridians and aura. It regenerates cells and brings with it pure healing energy that flood your system with light. It helps the body assimilate vitamins. Energetically it helps you see where you are at, providing insight as to how to bring about change.

Sugilite increases healing energies bringing balance, by cleansing, strengthening and extending the aura. A great stone for relieving headaches and pain, especially Sugilite with Manganese in it. 

Smoky Quartz releases blocks and tension by dissolving negative energies while highlighting the reason they came about. When working with the higher frequencies within the body using Smoky Quartz brings balance on all levels and grounds the energy.    

Rhodochrosite helps us create new realities for ourselves from a balanced and loving place. It purifies, rejuvenates and revitalizes. With its loving energy forming the basis of our actions, it cleanses us, assisting to prevent sickness.

Larimar a gentle, yet powerful cleansing stone that supports us as we release and make changes. It works at a cellular level so the healing energies can take hold through all our energetic bodies.

Lepidolite helps us become aware of our vibration or energy. It relieves stress and assists us through times of change by restructuring old patterns. It balances our emotions, relaxing and releasing tension which allows us to flow again so healing energies flow.

Iceland Spar Calcite  magnifies its energy, allowing our chakras to be purified and fully functional. It resonates at a frequency of our Divine perfection and sends this into our energetic bodies for us to harmonise with.

Of course there are others… I would suggest 25 is a good number for variety and the chance to use multiple stones on chakras.

The other stones I would add to this list would be:
Pyrite, Black Tourmaline, Garnet, Hematite, Obsidian, Sunstone, Tigers Eye, Amber, Rutilated Quartz, Rose Quartz, Mangano Calcite, Ruby in Fuchsite, Malachite, Peridot, Chrysocolla, Tourmaline, Aquamarine, Celestite, Turquoise, Lapis lazuli, Labradorite, Tanzanite, Fluorite, Charoite and Apophyllite. 

Crystals and Candles is located at 142 Allan Street, Kyabram, Vic