Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Looking at perception

It has been a hot topic of late. I have spoken to a few different people in regards to different situations – and of course looking at my own experiences in the last week – I can identify clearly with the association of the thought process and how it alters what we perceive.

What we perceive in any situation, regardless of what that situation may consist of or which area of life it is, directly impacts our experience as a result of how it was perceived.  To be specific it’s the emotions that are experienced which result in the perceptions you hold.

YOUR perception of something is an observation, interpretation, or a mental image that you hold with regard to some event, condition, or circumstance. In other words it is how you SEE things in the world around you that moulds, shapes and determines your individual perception.

In reality a perception is merely the effect of any given belief. That perception is merely an individualized awareness based on a belief that you have established. If the belief is flawed or self limiting... the perception that you hold with regard to the belief held will be flawed and self limiting as well. And the results that you experience will correlate precisely with what you "perceive" to be true.

We are fed by information systems, which are influenced by our emotion, in turn programming the subconscious mind.  From early childhood programming, even from within the womb, we believe what the outside information system is feeding us.  There comes a time, when we need to be responsible, filtering through the information and finding our own truths.  Through self awareness of who we truly are (expanding our own perceptions beyond smell, taste, sight and feeling), we embrace our Higher Truths and we can then reprogram the way we perceive things through our own free will. Not what someone in society has instilled, but fully making choices for our higher self. 

By developing this understanding and establishing it as a firm belief, and then fully expressing heartfelt gratitude for the growth that you are experiencing, you will become empowered to begin attracting more of those outcomes that are pleasing rather than more of that which you would rather not experience.

The point that should be noted is that how you perceive your life to be is precisely what you will attract to you and how you will experience life in the physical realm.  Find good in ANY situation. Develop the unshakable awareness that ALL things (regardless of what they are or how they may APPEAR at the time) YOU are creating and that ALL happen for a "greater good"... a greater purpose.

Reflect into your own life. Are you experiencing an abundance of money? Do you enjoy great physical health? Are your relationships, fulfilling, satisfying and mutually rewarding? Are you blaming someone else for how you feel or what you experience?  Regardless of how you may have answered those questions, whatever is happening in the present, whatever events, conditions, or circumstances you are currently experiencing in your life are based on a perception that you hold or have held at some point in the past. Change your perceptions about what reality is and your reality will change.

No two people see the external world in exactly the same way. To every separate person a 'thing' is what he thinks it is – in other words, not a thing, but a think – Penelope Fitzgerald, The Gate of Angels.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Grounding . . .

There are just some days l fall into a heap, mainly through frustration, not just with myself, but those around me. Feeling under appreciated, over tied, possibly out of whack, emotional, mentally and spiritually.  

Very recently, one of my good friend neighbours called in and she noticed I looked weary.  So, I explained how and why I felt the way I did. Very understanding she elaborated on some of her own personal experiences. We have been close friends since our children were early school age, and have been very aware of the progressive growth in one another.   

A teacher of a different kind, she said we tend to take on far too much at times as we become experts at what we do best, so we adopt more challenges because this is within our character to do so. Sometimes, we just need time to step back and smell the roses!   

I know this to be very true and I felt a strong urge to go out and garden, not to smell the roses literally but to get my hands dirty and feel the nurturing aspects of the earth as I know for me, it brings me peace. She explained that her method of coping is to practice a physical method of grounding by taking the dogs for a walk, not for the exercise but to find clarity in her mind and emotion.  

She learned to surrender to her Spirit this way.  She began to notice the messages which were in nature, from finding a feather to reading the rainbow message in the sky was confirmation that all would be taken care of and was proven time and time again. Again, knowing this to be true, sometimes it’s a good friend, or a song that will remind us and reflect back what we teach so again we can continue to learn and grow.

On waking this morning I asked my Spirit the question  “What is grounding really all about”? As fast as I had thought it, I sensed a strong visualization of a lightning bolt entering via my Crown, through me and into the ground. It felt like my chakras were all synchronised and aligned, connected to not just the earth but to the universe above. Followed with a message that you need to be alive in the present moment and truly be responsible for your “essence of being”.  I knew this message referred to being responsible for my Spirit in the present. Just for the record, I feel in the physical world that I am one of the most responsible, reliable characters you can find, but this is not the message. It was the realization of the lessons we have come to learn. I could see the truth in why I felt they way I had.  I can’t blame others –  it is my soul lessons.    

We can talk about being grounded, we can get connected and for most it is a temporary connection. Ultimately, grounding is the acceptance for the commitment you made to realign the soul before incarnating.  It is about the acceptance of the lessons for the soul, so we may elevate towards enlightenment.     

Tell tale signs of requiring grounding is becoming distracted, frustrated, angry, negative, stressed and overwhelmed by life –  not living in true essence of your soul. This is when we don’t listen and honour the spirit because of the outside ego influences.

Simply put, it is one thing to talk about being grounded, to do grounding gestures, but unless we are soul aware and aligned from morning to night and anytime in between, all of this work is only temporary. 
Presently Mother Earth is realigning, and to be grounded is also to realign with the energies from above and below. It is actually a very powerful experience. It is best to find a way to ground that resonates with who you are so it becomes a natural way of life and not something you have to do because you are told to “ground yourself”.

To begin with some common techniques are:
  • Imagine an earth connected tree with a root system growing from the base of your spine or bottom of your feet going all the way down to the center of the earth, connecting you to “Mother Earth”. 
  • Electrical Cord from the base of your spine, plugging in and connecting to Earth Energy.  Just like a house’s electrical circuit connects to Earth.
  • You can imagine high vibrational colours coming in from the crown down, exiting from the root chakra down in the earth below. 
  • Silver Cord Exercise around the body and anchoring down into the earth.
  • Wearing Crystals that help with grounding.
  • Open your awareness and connection to nature. Gardening, walking and sitting in nature.

Ultimately, find a method that suits you, it may be unique to you, given to you by your guides or angels.   Allow it to become an instinct not just some process that you have to think about. It is our natural state to be connected to the earth physically and etherically.  It keeps us energized, it keeps our spirit and body integrated, it allows us to realize our full potential as human beings.  It is as basic as brushing your teeth every day, taking a shower and eating!  It will help you be discerning, it will keep you from being attacked, it will keep you focused and alert. 

If you are serious about getting back in touch with your soul,
I fully recommend Echarkt Tolle’s  “The power of Now” or  “New Earth”. 
Both are available for $24.95, contact me today to order.


Thursday, 12 July 2012

Safe Channelling

Channelling isn’t something new age; it has been around for thousands of years.  There are many references in the Bible referring to the “Holy Ghost” or “Holy Spirit” – I see it as an expression of channelling. 

With our open awareness, we all engage in channeling – which is opening the Crown chakra – without realization every time we even think about Angels and our own unique set of Spirit Guides.  We trust that we receive loving guidance that supports our soul purpose. Working with this league is working with the Light, but everything is made up in duality – positive and negative – and for this reason I can’t express enough why it is so important to keep our energy space clear and positive at all times.

While not obvious to the naked eye, filth can be deposited in our energy space from other sources. 

I know that when I feel down, depleted and exhausted, I am unintentionally putting myself and my loved ones at risk.  I have learned the hard way, to constantly check in with how the energy around me is feeling, particularly the space where we meditate or where I work.  There are so many outside influences that affect our space and our being.  I encourage everyone to adopt the habit of checking in. 

Do people realize that when there is any form of negativity in their life, being physical, mental or emotional they are putting themselves at risk?  Negativity lowers our personal vibration – simple everyday habits like feeling exhausted through trying to conquer too much or maybe even the way we conduct ourselves through personal activities or in business.  All these lower acts of self-love and poor integrity lower our personal vibration, therefore allowing things of a similar vibration to invade.

Everyday life can be really busy, we become distracted with so much to do and little time to do it all. Begin the process of prioritizing what is the most important. 

We know that all things are made of energy and we know that “like” attracts “like”  So if your character is influenced by negativity – BEWARE.  Too much alcohol and using drugs is a real concern.  These people who are likely to engage in these activities are at HIGH RISK and unknowingly are OPENLY UNPROTECTED  to negative entities.  

There are different degrees of entities. Depending on the circumstances you may need help from a professional to rid the entity.  Smudging should be a regular practice, and positive influences – physical and mental – are also powerful for protection.  The Light is far more powerful and is a tool in itself.

DO NOT BE DECEIVED AT ANYTIME.  Pay attention to what you see or how you feel.  These “dark” energies have no human essence about them, nor are they caring for the human host.  The presence will be low vibrational!  Draining and uncomfortable.  You may notice it around other people, so be aware of the company you keep.

Common Signs of “Dark” entities:  
·       Shadowing occurs when the negative entity is outside its host, but near the host’s aura and body.
·       Dominations begin if a negative spirit or entity is within the auric field of the person. A change in who the person is evident in their emotions and behavior.  They are noticeably different.
·       Domination occurs when the negative being invades the physical body of its host.  Bringing in its own personality traits and habits, with the person becomes very confused and lost.
·       Possession happens when the invader completely forces out the resident person’s psyche and takes control of the physical body through which it exhibits its own words.  There may be transitions between possession and obsession at this point.

A lot can be said when looking into a person’s eyes ... you will also find that if anyone has a “dark energy” and you are of the “light” they will have difficulty facing you.

These beings from the dark side will start to influence the thoughts and actions of these persons.  Depression, suicidal thoughts and other negative feelings will become stronger within the individuals as the negative spirits gain a greater hold upon them.  If you can see the auric field of these people it will develop a dirtier appearance. 

For He will give His angels charge concerning you, to guard you in all you ways … Psalms 91:11

Monday, 2 July 2012

Your life is your Tapestry

Do you ever wonder why me? If this is you congratulations. It means that you are willing to look inward.

Personally, my spiritual journey has been about evaluating all of my experiences, looking deep within myself.

From as early as being in my mothers womb, through fitting into the family I chose to be born into, the school years, challenges from young adulthood, partnerships of all kinds, being a mother and today the teacher all with their own individual challenges. In fact, let’s go even further, I have also had to look at my past lives, which are so relevant to what this life has served up to me. I have found so much clarity in looking in on that multi dimensional plain, its all there, printed in my blueprint it is the energy that – “I am”.

My life has been constantly evolving, from experience to experience. I have felt sad, depressed, happy, afraid and confused and so much more. I have so many times just wondered why … why me? Did I deserve these experiences? It wasn’t fair and at times I could just crawl under a rock and die.

Along the way, I have been given opportunities from Spirit to work through all of these experiences. Not always listened and not always got it right. Sometimes it took several or multiple goes to learn the same lesson.

It may be fair to say, particularly in the early days, that in 99% of these experiences I had no idea what the lessons were in my life’s tapestry. It took some hard work … but I eventually did begin to “get it” and today I am still working on exactly that. Within every thread that is interwoven in my life tapestry, it is evident that each thread is connected to another, like every experience that ever existed, is all interwoven in the overall picture of my life.

All synchronized in Divine Order for Divine Purpose – My Soul Purpose. My Soul that is interconnected with all other Souls in my Tapestry of Life. All Souls being directly connected to Divine Source.

This is all so simple … By me looking into my truth’s, meditating and learning to listen to the truth which my guides have shown me in numerous ways, also with guidance from kindred Spirit’s, I feel I have made some big discoveries about “why me”. I feel I have found direction for my self and now understand what this tapestry or life journey is about. I feel comfortable with my life lessons, able to make the choice to take responsibility for them as well as fully embracing and owning them with love and gratitude.

Each of us has our own tapestry, so I recommend you tap into your truths. Listen, feel and see the truth in all that surrounds you. There is no coincidence … just open your awareness and the only truth that matters is your truth.

“Recognise what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you” – The Nag Hammadi Library