Sunday, 28 October 2012

The Seven Main Chakras – An Overview

There are thousands of books about chakras, their history, purpose and functions.  For now, let us begin with an overview of what they are and how we can gain a better understanding of their function and the role they play within our energetic being.

The chakras are major energy centres within us that support all the functions of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.  We know in the physical, our blood circulates our body, delivering life giving oxygen and nutrients to every tissue and cell.  In doing so it removes toxins and unwanted materials from our bodies.  When we have a disruption to this process we become ill.  This is all visible through our eyes and by the medical profession.
To seek beyond the physical evidence of our dis ease, (discomfort of any kind within our mentally, emotional and physically being), remembering, we are not just the physical, even though in this third dimensional reality that is what most focus on.   Our physical bodies are actually made up of “energy” and we are surrounded by an electromagnetic energy field which is our aura.  There are also seven layers of the aura that relate to the chakras which we will look into further down the track. 
The word “Chakra” is Sanskrit for “wheels of light”.
There are seven main chakras – each with special significance and function which corresponds to not just the physical, but emotions and stages of life. 
1.      Root/Base Chakra located at the base of spine.
2.     Sacral Chakra located just below your naval.
3.     Solar Plexus located just above your naval.
4.     Heart Chakra located centre of your heart.
5.     Throat Chakra located over your throat.
6.     Third Eye Chakra located on your forehead above the bridge of your nose.
7.     Crown Chakra is located on the top of your head.
There are chakras on the soles of your feet in an every joint in your body and placed all around you and your energy field.   All connected through an energy network that forms a vast circulatory system for the Universal Energy to pass.
To an intuitive or clairvoyant, the chakras appear like spheres, circles or cones of spinning coloured light.  You may imagine them as gerberas, roses or the classic lotus flower.  You don’t have to see them to work with them, simply consider them and acknowledge their energy as they don’t lie. 
In a healthy state, the chakras will spin evenly and at the correct speed and frequency relating to each particular colour from the light spectrum and to the vibration of sound.   You will learn more about this as we progress through each chakra one by one. 
Altogether, the seven main chakras make up the colours of the rainbow.   A weak, tired or stressed chakra can feel or appear sluggish or have a very unbalanced elliptical spin.   Through a trained  “minds eye”, you may see a dull or dark chakra, rather than the lovely bright colours it should ideally be.
In simple language, the chakra system draws in energy or life force from the universe and distributes it throughout your body and energy field.  The chakras also give out energy and are significant in composing the “vibe” that each of us feel from other people and emanate from ourselves.

The condition and activity of each person’s chakra system creates a flow of energy around them that is unique, however it is influenced and will fluctuate a great deal depending on choices of mood, food, and willingness to see truth and claim responsibility.   It is forever, moving and changing but when the same negative patterns are repeated it becomes increasingly difficult to reset and with unbalanced and unhealthy chakras it can lead to serious illnesses. 
Development of the skills and concepts related to each chakra occur progressively in life, each completed stage supporting the healthy awakening of the next chakra.  Although we function through all of our chakras most of the time, there are specific developmental stages in which the various chakra skills are learned and incorporated into the personality. 
The chakras evolve sequentially, from bottom to top along with our chronological age.  It is sometimes necessary for the next chakra phase to begin in order for the one below it to complete.
Developmental stages of the chakras and overview of life lessons and the religious sacramental significance.

Womb – 12 months                Base/Root Chakra               Gaia, Creation/Survival            Baptism
6mths – 2 years                           Sacral Chakra                           Foundation                                 Communion
18mths  -  4 years                          Solar Plexus                   Majesty and Endurance               Confirmation
4 – 7 years                                        Heart                                         Beauty                                   Marriage
7 – 12 years                                     Throat                              Judgement& Mercy                     Confession
Adolescent                                        Third Eye                    Understanding and Wisdom         Ordination                                
Adulthood                                          Crown                            Oneness of all creation             The Last Rite

All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.  They have their exits and their entrances.  And one man in his time plays many parts; his acts being seven ages. 
-        William Shakespeare

Monday, 15 October 2012

The How’s and Why’s of Protection

For those who choose to become interested in their spiritual and personal development  or are somewhat forced to become interested because of life circumstances are often told “protect  yourself”.  So often, the comeback is firstly what am I protecting myself from and secondly how do I do that?
I feel it is necessary to understand “energy”.  How it interacts with us, what is our make up, what is life really all about and honestly, how authentically truthful are you willing to be.  I sound like a broken record, but this is what it is!
Let us keep this simple…
When we are “open”  which means our “crown chakra is open” we allow all sorts of “energy” attachments in. The degree of openness varies, so some of us are more vulnerable than others.  This is why some people are affected more than others.  Individually, you need to look at your own life,  look at what it is about, what you do, where you go, who you choose to mix with, what drugs you take, where are you spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.     
Being responsible for self, means that you honor who you are, stand in your truth (which also means the real truth – not necessarily what you perceive from ego), and from that you learn to ground and protect your “energy being”.  
As  “energy beings”,  we are a made up of light, we come from the light, we return to light, we simply vibrate at a chosen frequency. That frequency is influenced by outside indicators.  So what we choose to do, or where we choose to go, who we choose to be connected to are all reasons to protect your energy.  We sometimes don’t have control over these outside influences, whether they are family, friends, colleagues, clients, places etc…   It can be the people you love the most that you need to protect yourself from.   The operative word is “sometimes”.  There are people in our lives who are there for us to learn from, so we have chosen them to learn our lessons before we incarnated.  
Don’t kid yourself, every day you meet different types of energies – people and environmental.  They can be high vibrational or low vibrational.  You need to protect yourself from low vibrational influences. When allowed or empowered these energies will lower your personal vibration. Depending on the type of ‘interfering energy’, you can feel drained in vitality or go to the other extreme of being in serious danger. In other words, from someone sending you a negative vibe, to a poltergeist lingering around you trying to get in to control you.   
How to protect yourself best is something that you will learn by yourself.  As you become more aware of your energy, and how it all works, the more equipped you will be to protect yourself. Look at what happens in your life, be honest with yourself and realize the authentic self, ask yourself, why do you attract the same feelings over and over, yes, that’s right, the same lesson. There is no coincidence, it is whether you see the patterns or tapestry of the lessons. No one can do this for you… as you have to be accepting of the truth.  
Let us look at a situation hypothetically –  here is a common one.
If I was an illegal drug user, what am I creating for myself?  Firstly, I have an addiction or a dependency on using a substance. The solar plexus is the energy centre that this relates to so, I need to look at my personal power.  By taking the drugs, what I actually am doing is letting go of any inhibitions, lowering my own guard, allowing myself to leave the physical reality, instantly opening the crown chakra to any outside energy, unconsciously inviting negative energy.   Taking illegal drugs is a negative act, therefore my subconscious knows that and ‘like energy attracts like energy.” Depending on what has been allowed in, after stopping the drugs, I would need to rid of any negative outside energies, but also deal with the lack of personal power. I can’t just say thank you for ridding the negative energy, I also need to look at my authentic self and accept life lessons.  “Responsibility” as previously discussed is to accept that lesson.  When you are forgiving and have the unconditional love for others and yourself, you bring yourself into alignment with your soul journey.  That is why you are here!    
There are many tools and ways to protect yourself. There needs to also be an understanding of what is true and relevant to your life.
If people tend to energetically tap into your  energy, which is very common…. Feels like they want a piece of you.  Cut the cords, protect and reinforce your energy field with high vibrational colours.  Then look at why they can do this to you. What unresolved issues are present in your life?
If you feel people are malicious in their intent towards you, sending you negative arrows, another form of pointing the bone, which is a deliberate attempt to hurt and to deliberately cause you pain, then you may need more reinforcement, have bands of colours, have crystals to protect your aura, use the violet flame of St Germains, Archangel Michael and your Spirit Guides to protect you and send that negative energy back to its source.  Karmic law says they will cop it back at least 10 fold.  Again, look deeper at the “why”?
The more you get into protecting yourself, the more you explore and learn, you will be giving unique tools and symbols that are sacred to you for your own protection.  Don’t share these symbols and tools with anyone.   
I trust from this class you gain some deeper insight into what protection is about and the various methods of protection to be used appropriately.  Of course, there are many different scenarios that both Lisa and I are happy to speak about one on one or always feel free to ask question on the blog page or via email.    
In general, we are energy beings, and energy interacts with “all that is” .  You are responsible to protect your own energy from any negativity or evil.  Look at why it is attracted to you in the first place, as there is a reason. Someone else doing the protection for you is only temporary and will not hold if you are not willing to own it. 
Blessings to all!
“On life’s journey faith is nourishment, virtuous deeds are a shelter, wisdom is the light by day and night mindfulness is the protection by night.  If a man lives a pure life, nothing can destroy him”.   
(Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism 563-483 B.C.)

Tuesday, 9 October 2012


What is your immediate reaction to the word responsibility? Most people’s thoughts go to social and moral responsibility. Socially, it is an obligation to act in accordance to what benefits society and it is perceived to be a duty that individuals perform to maintain a balance between the economy and ecosystem. Morally, it is the status of morally deserving praise, blame, reward, or punishment for an act or omission, in accordance with one’s moral obligations. 

On a spiritual level, responsibility is to not blame everyone else but to see the truth in any situation, because good or bad, there is “your truth – your soul essence” which is part of your moral obligation to your soul journey.

A reminder of the Seven Universal Laws that of “all that is”.   
  • Perpetual Transmutation:  Energy is, in a constant state of transmission and transmutation.
  • Relativity:  Nothing is good or bad, until you RELATE it to something else.  Everything just is!
  • Vibration:  Everything vibrates; nothing rests.  There are various levels of vibration or “frequency”.
  • Polarity:  Everything has an opposite:  Hot – Cold, Up – Down, Good – Bad.  The opposite side of anything is always equal and opposite. Positive and Negative.
  • Rhythm:  Everything operates by rhythm.  Tides go in and out, night follows day, moon cycles.
  • Cause and Effect: Every cause has an effect and every effect has its cause.
  • Gender:  Male and female are necessary for procreation.  Like seeds, everything has a gestation or incubation period.

Everyone experiences some sort of physical, mental or emotional conflict, as it is part of the rhythm of life, but you choose how you deal with that conflict because you understand the cause and effect of the path you choose to work through that conflict.

What is the true relevance of any situation? What is the frequency or level of direction intended by the energy of the conflict. Is it influenced by its gender, as genders play different roles and can have opposite views when looking at a situation.  It is all a play of energy, it can be worked with, manipulated, transformed etc..

To take responsibility, means that we must stop blaming others for anything that happens to us. It means that no matter what happens to you, or what situation you find yourself in, you have to recognise the true essence of the issue and how it relates to your personal journey. The reasons you feel the effects is because it is about you learning the lesson. There is no coincidence why situations cross your path. You choose how to achieve your healing.

Self loathing and self punishment, even to the point of suicide, believe it or not-are all veiled forms of blaming others as a way to avoid facing up to the truth of your unconscious past. Look at any addictions you have, they too are a form of self punishment. Taking responsibility for your own life means that you assume spiritual liability and opens you up to lifting your vibration and fulfilling your life purpose.

Don’t gain the World and lose your Soul.  Wisdom is better than silver or gold.   – Bob Marley

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Does the plant kingdom communicate?

Most of us say, I love flowers, I love trees and I love to garden and so on, but how connected are we to these wonderful living things?  As we saw in flower psychometry, the plant we are drawn to is a reflection of our own energy.    

When was the last time you actually looked at plant and wondered how is it feeling?  How did it feel the last time you saw a plant that was deeply dehydrated? When you see a tree – do you think is it happy or sad? Is it strong or weak? Or do you just not notice.

Let us go back to the beginning…”life force” exists in all living things.  “Life force” is the living energy within our being.  It is what keeps us alive, it can either be weak or strong.  The plant kingdom, like us is simply a vibration, and the same “life force” can be weak or strong.  The foliage carries veins that nourish and the trunks carry the fiber or cell network of the plant.  The root system is the grounding and its method of feeding. 
The experience of “being” for a plant is different from our experience in that plants are stationery, they exist in a state of profound acceptance and peace within themselves.  Emotions such as fear, hate jealousy, possessiveness are unknown to plants and would serve no purpose. Plants do sense love, pain, joy, thirst etc. It is the feelings we share with plants that provide the basis of our ability to communicate with them. As we know we are attracted to certain energies of plants for different reasons,  just as it is true with people. 

In order to communicate with plants, (or people), we have to be able to regard them as equals.  If you are afraid to talk with or embarrassed to talk to groups of people, you may feel it difficult to talk to plants.  However, it is easier to communicate with plants than it is with people.

Look at trees that are spiky, they have a masculine energy,  you may see a banana tree to be joyous and loving. Perhaps weeping trees may have a doleful air about them. Tall, erect trees can be seen to be proud with regal personalities.   Looking at these characteristics you get to know more about the tree and its personality. Look at growing patterns, how does the new foliage feel compared to the older parts of the tree? See how the young growing tips are more alert, vigorous, and naively impetuous the than the older and mellower lower leaves.  The insects it attracts, the diseases it attracts are all relevant to how that tree feels. Be aware of plants watching you as you walk in the garden and share their space.

Some people pick up on the feelings of plants by seeing faces on the bark or foliage.  They impose that thought form, whether it is laughter or just a facial expression that they see into being the feeling of the tree.  Remember this is what humans are conditioned to perceive as feelings…. Facial expressions are formed in their mind that relate to the feeling.  However, when you see with your feelings rather than your mind, your visual attention isn’t focused on any one thing, but rather everything within your field of vision which strikes your attention with equal impact (vividness) as it does in dreams.  To see this way you have to have your mind quiet and you have to be in a joyous and abandoned mood. If you’re bummed out or grumpy, you won’t be able to see what plants are feeling anymore than your awareness to a person smiling at you. 

Much of our social learning entails learning to stifle our senses – to not see what is right before our eyes. To not listen to what our ears are hearing, to be offended by smells, discomforted by touch.  Cutting off our senses leaves us feeling disconnected from our world.  Therefore, if we want to renew our feeling of connectedness which we had as infants, we have to start plugging our senses into our feelings again.  Plants are so non-threatening, therefore a good place to start.

By lightly holding a leaf for a moment between your thumb and forefinger, you can feel which leaves want to be picked for medicine or food purposes and which ones want to be left alone.  The leaves that want to be picked have a high, vibrant feel to them, whereas leaves that don’t want to be picked feel dead in your hand.

Even if you can’t seem to tune in to the feelings of plants, you can still telepathically “talk” with them.
Plants can talk to you in thoughts, and these (at first) seem indistinguishable from your own thoughts.  That is, it will seem to you that you are the one who is thinking these thoughts, when in fact it is the plants that’s that are sending you messages.  That’s why it is important to have your own mind as quiet as possible – if you expect plants to talk to you; if your own mind is buzzing, there is no way the plants can get a word in edgewise.  Any thoughts or feelings you have while sitting under a tree or working with plants are probably messages from the plants.

So how do you know if you are actually communicating with a plant and not just imagining it?  The answer is:  you don’t. You just go with your intuition rather than going with your concepts what you have been taught. 

Instead of believing that the world of concepts is reality, you believe that the world of feelings – of magic-is reality. The only difference between these two equally valid points of view is that from one of them plants talk to you, and from the other they don’t.

If you feel self-conscious talking to plants, just remember that what you have been programmed to call the “real” world is merely a fragment of your imagination also.  If you start calling something else the real world, then that something else becomes the real world; it becomes as real as this one. 

It’s easy to learn to talk with house and garden plants, since these are particularly eager to discuss matters such as fertilization, watering, shade, grafting and transplanting techniques.  In addition, plants (particularly large trees) can give you helpful advice on all sorts of matters.  Take them your problems; ask them what they think you should do. 

Whether you are consciously aware of it or not, you are already communicating with plants all the time.  The soothing, healing, tranquilizing feeling that comes when you are gardening or are out in nature is in fact your psychic attunement to the joyous vibrations of the plants around you.  To follow this feeling one step further – put yourself into direct communication with the plants.