Friday, 24 May 2013


We have talked about protection many times over the years. But it is so important to refresh what we know because no matter how good you become at protecting yourself, there will always be times when you need a boost. Protection needs to be automatic. You are responsible for “you”. 

What are we protecting? Our homes? Our cars? Our children? Our animals? Of course, we naturally protect all these things, but we need to go further. As a first priority we need to protect ourselves. If we get this right along with grounding ourselves daily, than we can move through the world experiencing an engaged life with clarity and direction. The need to protect our space that we most use, like our homes, workplace and cars is also crucial.

What am I protecting myself against? Simple, you are protecting your energy from that which is a lower vibration than your own. Some people choose to carry with them negative thought patterns, fear, anger, resentment etc. – all things that are lower in vibration. There are some who will deliberately send you negative energy. There are places we visit that hold energy from the events that have previously happen in that space. Can you remember an experience or situation that has left you feeling drained, angry, depressed, tired, sick or left with the feeling that you have been invaded? If you answered yes to any of these feeling, chances are your energy field has been invaded. For those that are sensitive or vulnerable, they are subject to allowing these energies in or too close to their personal energy field and this is done unknowingly. Your responsibility is not necessarily to work out who and why, but to learn to protect and maintain a higher frequency so these lower vibrations don’t have an affect on you.

How do we open ourselves up to psychic attack? Vulnerability…. feelings that feel “bad” are a common way to make you vulnerable to psychic attack. These include fear, guilt, anger, hate, and jealousy to name a few. Drugs and alcohol also lower your guard and make you vulnerable. Losing control of your force field is dangerous. Physical disease in your body or crisis can open you up to attack especially if you need medication.

How do I protect myself? Start with a strong positive loving attitude and also be responsible for yourself.  It is very hard for negative energies to penetrate a positive happy energy field. Secondly, trust you intuition or ‘gut’ instincts. Because most people cannot see energy, we need to trust our guts. If it feels bad, then move away. Your energy field is able to pick up a disturbance and sends a message to your intuition. Pay attention and learn to trust this feeling, for feelings do not lie.

How to Protect my Environment? It is so important to protect your space that you live, work and where you meditate. Things like fluorescent lights and equipment generate huge electromagnetic fields. Over time, even with the best personal protection, a negative place is going to deplete your energy. Some strategies to clear the energy include smudging, singing bowls, large crystals placed in the room to absorb the energy, live plants, angels asked to protect your space, burning incense and candles to name a few. Always remember to protect your mode of travel. Surround your car in a bubble of white light and picture the road you will travel as a white light highway. Ask that all travellers on the road be kept safe and protected.

How Can I relate the need for Protection to my Spiritual Growth? The most important thing to remember is that we are beings of light. We have all come from the light and we will all return to the light. We are all one, and when we understand this then we can live from the heart. We are here on our beautiful planet earth to experience and evolve.     We are here to learn from one another and we can choose to do better when we have the tools.

Try these protection strategies….

Violet flame Use the violet flame of Saint Germaine with a decree to transmute and send the negative energy back to its source.
Crossing your solar plexus Fold your arms across your solar plexus and cross your ankles to block the incoming energy.

Bubble Centre yourself and ground your energy then surround yourself in a big strong bubble. Imaging that this bubble is coated in a colour or crystal of your choosing and filled with the white light. See energy hitting the bubble and just bouncing off.
Wear a Crystal Wear a protection crystal such as Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian, Hematite, Amethyst or Carnelian around your neck to protect your energy.
Mirrors Surround yourself with mirrors facing outwards so that anything directed towards you will be reflected back.
Sending Love Ground and balance yourself. In your minds eye, picture the person you are having problems with. Send this person love. If negative thoughts come forward, gently send them away. Focus again on the person and send them your love. Remember, they came from the light just like you.
Angels Ask for protection from the angel realm. Archangel Michael is the angel of protection.  

The wonderful thing about our universe is that it gives us the opportunity to practice. If we don’t deal with a situation well, the universe will send it to us again. As we evolve or ascend we have the opportunity to handle our life in a better way, with more love and understanding than the last time we experienced that challenge. Thank the universe for this opportunity and try to understand why this experience keeps coming to you.

By practicing protection we are more able to live in our truth. It is so important to be who you really are…in every moment… of every day, so you do not miss the opportunities that life presents.

I am a Spiritual being, protected by angels, helped by guides and infinitely loved and supported by the universe.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013


What is grounding?

When you hear the term “to be grounded” – what is the instant visualization you have? For me, immediately I feel and sense mother earth . . . I see earthy colours, I see nature and I feel a gravitational pull towards the ground.

Grounding is to centre your soul within your body and to connect it with mother earth. It allows us to experience the here and now! It is an acceptance to be! It is to feel secure and free to create our own truth and experience, the things that make us happy and nourish our spirit. Grounding nurtures you from the heart and spirit of mother earth and helps you to manifest all we absorb and receive from our higher self.

Energy needs to flow through us or else it will build up and become stagnant. When we are grounded we connect our human energy field to the Earths energy field. The Earths energy flows through us and any excess energy can be dissipated into the ground, keeping the energy free flowing through us. This makes it easier to heal yourself, by letting go of harmful energies that can have a negative effect on your body.

What does it mean not to be grounded?

It means there is a build up of dense stagnant energy in our human energy field. When this happens some people feel insecure, stressed, anxious and depressed just to name some negative feelings. Ungrounded people do not feel balanced. They do not feel as though they are living, they are barely surviving . . . generally they do not have a very positive outlook on life. That doesn’t mean they are always this way. It may come and go as there are many variables to each individual, but unless there is awareness to what grounding is, these types of people who are receptive to negative energies may eventually become ill.

How is Grounding Going to Help Me?

Grounding really helps you when you are going through hard times in your life in relationships, work, family, friendships and so on. Grounding helps you relax and it gives you the basis to align yourself. It helps you gain insights, inspiration and helps re claim your own energy. Being grounded helps you deal with life in a rational secure manner. It releases all that emotional energy. When walking a spiritual path, grounding is essential, as it makes possible for other techniques and information to be safely taught. Grounding makes things real, makes your body real and makes it possible for you to manifest what it is you want in your life.

How Do I get grounded?

Begin grounding yourself at the start of every day, again before retiring for the evening. A regular grounded meditation practice can actually help you to sleep better at night, which is crucial to any healing. Your body needs this time to rejuvenate, as does your spirit. It makes it possible for you to manifest what it is you want in your life.

Visualise – Imagine your connection to Mother Earth in any way that feels comfortable for you. Often people use the visualization of tree roots growing out from under their feet, through the soil and deep into the centre of the earth.

Breathe – How many of us breathe correctly? We tend to have shallow breathing when we are not grounded. Stop during the day to notice your breathing. Try stretching, walking, and any form of physical activity. Your body needs to move and stretch. Exercise helps you ground.

Eat – What fuel are you putting into your body? What types of food are you attracted to? If your diet consists mainly of empty calories, sugar, caffeine, and fat, you will have a difficult time grounding yourself or feeling well. On the other hand, grounding yourself consciously can help you to become aware of what your body actually wants you to feed it. Listen to what your body needs. Eat earthy foods – root vegetables, organic foods and drink plenty of water.

Appreciate nature – Visualize the “make up” of a tree, or hug a tree as often as possible. Everything you have, including your body, came from the earth. Remember you and the earth are made up of the same elements, you are very much part of the earth. Just being in nature can be a healing and grounding experience. Go for walks, garden and be outdoors. Remember crystals are also part of earth, in fact you couldn’t get any closer. Carry, wear or place them strategically – all practices to assist in grounding.

Trust your gut – If you find yourself surrounded by negativity, whether it be your own or that of others, step away from it. Stay separate from it. If it’s your attitude, replace it with gratitude, joy and happiness. Notice what it is you have created for yourself. Notice the many things you have already let go of including any bad attitudes and habits. Reaffirm yourself on times your trusted in your gut.

Live from your truth – Remember, your truth is not necessarily anyone else’s. You may have forgotten what is truly yours because others demand you live by their truth. On some level, you already know your own truth. Grounding can help you find more of it, and you can also ground into your truth.

Stop blaming others for your problems – This is a game you cannot win. Perhaps someone has done something nasty to you, but if you allow that to stop you from moving on and creating your own life, that is your choice alone. Forgive, let go, free yourself and move on. You’ll be amazed at how much energy this gives you.

Create some happy relationships for yourself – Find others of like mind that you can talk to about what really interests you. Learn something new, step off the beaten path and explore your world. There are loads of interesting and wonderful people who resonate with you. Having fulfilling relationships is validating. This makes it easier to feel real, alive, happy, and grounded in your own life.

An extract from the book “Journey to the Heart” - Daily meditations on the path to freeing your soul.

May 15th

The time for heaviness is past-heaviness of body, mind, spirit and heart. That heaviness many of us felt was part of a time now gone. It’s time to lighten up.

“He was a different person, ”she said. “Cheerful. Happy. Fun to be around. Things that used to bother him no longer did.”The woman was talking about her husband of only three years. She had dated him for a long time. Then after nearly dying of a heart attack, he was changed, transformed. They married and had the best three year of their lives before he died.

Those years were possible because he had learned to enjoy life, learned the value of love.

We don’t have to wait to open our hearts and enjoy life. We don’t have to wait to lighten up. We can do that now. We know that we can trust, that we can journey through each stage of our lives with open hearts, loving and living freely.

Let go of heaviness. Seek that which is the light.

Gravitate toward joy. Your soul and body will lead you, if only you will listen. Walk lightly.

Speak and laugh lightly, as much as possible.

Go lightly along your way.

What can we learn here……..

To take life lightly – you can choose to energetically disperse all negativity in your life.

It is the key to living happy and healthy.

Being grounded, clarifies our own acceptance to receive fulfilment which validates a true responsibility for the development and nurture of our own spirit.

Each day, we walk on this earthy plain, in our earthy reality; we receive many challenges, lessons that come about through various daily experiences. In this extract we are told to let go of the heaviness. Seek the lesson, learn from it and then let it go.

In this story, we are reminded to listen, to walk lightly, speak and laugh lightly, in other word, move through each challenge with an awareness of the energy that is attached to it and without judgement, we remove attachments to our past behaviour, freeing up our energy for new attitudes, utilizing and trusting the power and energy of the light to guide us towards achieving a higher frequency or vibration.

Grounding Meditation

Before we meditate lets start with our breathing awareness and lets set our bodies up for relaxation.

With feet firmly on the ground, become aware of your breathing………….Clench your stomach, tighten your muscles and breathe up high in your chest.

How does that make your feel? Do you feel anxious, tense, panicky? Chest breathing is not deep breathing, and is often an unconscious reaction to stress or trouble.

Relax….. Relax your stomach and let your breath down into your belly.

Imagine it flowing down into your toes as your belly expands.

Do you start to feel different now? Perhaps it feels a little unnatural, but begin to learn it, put our hands on your belly, breathe so that your belly pushes your hand out. With practise it becomes easier and natural.

Lets meditate on grounding..

With your eyes closed, imagine finding or going to a place where you there is a nice earth energy. It may be anywhere in the world….

Feel your breath pushing down through the base of your spine, through your feet – like a tree pushing down its roots. Imagine those roots pushing down through the floor and into the soil below. Imagine they can feel something of the quality of the earth, what grows there, and how healthy it is. Push down through the waters under the soil, down through the bedrock, and down into the centre.

If there is still any tension or fear, let that go through your “roots” .

Some imagine that there is a fire at the center of the Earth and throwing negative feelings into the fire helps to make those feelings dissipate.

Imagine that you can draw some of the fire up…. Feel it as the earth’s living creative energy, and bring it up through the rock and the water and the soil…. Bring it into your legs, and feet, like a tree’s roots would draw up water and nutrients.

Bring it up your spine and imagine your spine growing like a tree trunk, reaching up to the sky. Bring some fire into your heart, into any place inside you that needs healing or extra energy. As you imagine the growth and energy flowing into you, raise and open your posture and re focus on your breath.

Direct the energy up through your arms and out of your hands, up through your neck and throat and out the top of your head. Visualize branches of energy that reach up to the sky, and let them spread around you and reach back down to touch the earth, creating a protective filter around you.

Take a moment, look at the energy web, and notice if there are any places that need to be repaired or strengthened. Send energy in that direction.

Imagine the energy of the sun, shining down on your leaves and branches. Breathe deep; draw the energy in. Breathe it down through your leaves and branches, down through your heart and your belly and your hands. Take it in, feed on it like a tree feeds on sunlight.

Imagine your feet have sticky roots. Let them sink into the earth and then release when you start to move.

Imagine that you walk around a little, feel connected with the ground. Feel the imaginary roots grip and release.

Imagine stretching your arms out to your sides as you move as far as they’ll go, until you can’t see your hands if you look straight ahead. Now wiggle your thumbs and slowly bring your arms in until your thumbs are just visible on the edge of your peripheral vision. Notice how wide your field of vision can be.

As you imagine yourself walking, continue breathing deeply.

Come back to stillness now…. As you are conscious of your breathe, feel where it is in your body this grounded place seems to live, and touch that place. Can you find an image for this grounded state? A word or phrase you can say? When you use these three together – touch, image and phrase you create an anchor to help you ground quickly in any situation.


Notice whether you are making eye contact the people you pass. Keep breathing, stay grounded, keep your awareness wide, but now also make eye contact with each person you pass. How does it feel to be in this present situation.

Remember the more you practice grounding, the more automatic it becomes. If you take even a few minutes a day to practices, you’ll not only have better energy in your daily life, you’ll be able to ground quickly and instantly when you’re in a tense situation.

Sunday, 12 May 2013


What is Meditation?

Meditation has many different interpretations. Meditation is the art of silencing the mind. It is going to a place in your being where it is quiet. Meditation is being in the moment by conscious breathing and attention on a single object. When the mind is silent, concentration is increased and we experience inner peace, bliss and serenity in the midst of the hectic nature of our lives. Meditation is taking the time in our day to stop and go within or taking the time to just “be”.

Why Meditate?

Many people are drawn to meditation because they are looking for stillness. People want to escape the constant mind chattering of their brain or they want to release the stress and anxiety build up in their bodies. During our day our mind does not stop engaging in thoughts (ego) and emotional association with those thoughts, which triggers new thoughts.  If we really paid attention to our minds we would get so tired trying to keep up with it. Some days you work so hard in your “head” that it actually physically makes you tired. We meditate so that we can delete the files of thoughts that build up in mind. We meditate to clear away negative thought patterns and ideas that are no longer working for us. We meditate to clean our minds so that we can see and experience our amazing world with clear vision, beauty and joy.

What are some benefits to meditation? 

Other than being one of the best tools to counteract the brains negative patterns, it releases stress and fosters positive experiences. But for a person who regularly practices meditation the benefits are remarkable. Some of the physical health benefits of meditation include: 

  • Decreases in blood pressure.
  • Lowers Cholesterol.
  • Reduced production of the stress hormones more efficient use of oxygen in the body.
  • Increased production of the anti aging hormone.
  • Improved immune function.
  • Decreased anxiety, depression and insomia.

Meditation reverses the effects of the fight or flight response and reduces stress. Fight or flight response speeds up your heart rate, increases your blood sugar, suppresses you immune system, reduces insulin production, pumps out the stress hormone cortisol and adrenaline and it reduces your blood supply to your organs. This is so you can run away as fast as you can or so you can stay and fight. When you’re continually in a stressed life, this flight or fight response is engaged constantly. Regular Meditation begins to disperse this accumulated stress in our bodies and restores it to a natural state of calm. Meditation reverses the effects of the fight or flight response.

As there are many physiological benefits to meditation, there are also many spiritual benefits as well. Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years throughout many of the religions in the world to assist with a person’s spiritual growth. A clear mind allows a person to set there energy and intention to see deeper within themselves.

Are you ready?

By finding your way into this class, the probability is that you are ready to make some important changes in your life. Your higher self has led you here through your angels and guides. There is no coincidence.

We like to think that our meditation classes are about a scared journey to learn to expand our creativity, to expand our powers and to expand our heart. It is about being totally true to yourself by finding your authentic self.

Why are you attending meditation class?

You may now be ready to explore who you really are, the authentic you. At this stage in your life you may think you know who your really are, but do you really? Are you searching for understanding as to why you have had the life experiences that you have had so far? I would not be surprised if you have searched or asked for answers at some stage in your life. 

What is this inner calling I feel or sense?

When things aren’t working for you it is because you are not nurturing your spirit. Your spirit is the part of you that feels life. If you ignore its feelings it may become dislodged, in fact disconnected from your soul. Your soul has the contract to learn lessons in this lifetime. How is it possible to listen to your spirit when your head (ego) is dominating it?  A miracle happens when you stop believing that you are your “ego self” and start connecting to your spirit.

When you stop the “fear”, you feel the “love”.  When you welcome your spirit you align with Divine mind. When you are aligned you become one with the Divine.

Why is “EGO” important to understand for silencing the mind?

Ego will challenge you…as it does not want you to know your spirit – it wants power over you! To claim your spirit automatically, displaces your ego and pushes it out of the job of running (ruining) your life. To discern ego from spirit is to check in with your vibes.

When you connect with spirit, you feel good, positive and have self-loving vibes.
When you connect with ego, you feel irritable, critical, depressed and tired.
In meditation you learn what it feels like to have complete inner calmness…no ego, just a place of sacred purity and peace. Therefore to understand the role of the Ego is crucial in letting it go, and claiming your spirit.

Treat your spirit as scared - because it is! It is a holy part of your life.

What will our Classes teach us?

During this class we will provide the tools, support and structure of how to unveil our true inner essence.
Firstly it is vital we learn techniques to ground, protect and centre our spirit. It is something that we will drill into you…  it is the basis to effective spiritual development.
A large majority of society runs on ego, left brain thinking. It constantly feeds the ego. These classes will open our awareness to the ego and teach us the ability to let go.
Over the coming weeks we will learn many things about “energy”, which is another important aspect of who we are and where we live. There are many topics to cover over time including :
·      sensing energy – people, place and things
·      Humans as energy beings exploring the chakras, which lead to self-healing through understanding of our energy centres.
·      Soul psychology- developing more confidence about who and why we are here and how to take responsibility.

“The moment you become aware of the ego in you, it is strictly speaking no longer the ego, but just an old, conditioned mind-pattern. Ego implies unawareness. Awareness and ego cannot coexist.” 
 Eckhart Tolle